I\'m trying to inflate a layout and use that to set a bitmap on an image view. Then, I\'m adding that imageview to a linear layout and displaying the linear layout. Here\'s
You cant get bitmap on the views or layout is not being inflated.
Layout will only getting inflated after OnCreate()
1.Get bitmap on Button_Clicked(View view){}
2.Or using a Handle()
to post delaying your get bitmap
3.Make sure drawing cache is created using view.buildDrawingCache();
* @param flameLayout/linearLayout...
* @param width
* @param height
* @return
public static Bitmap viewToBitmap(View view, int width, int height) {
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
return bitmap;
Convert a layout to Bitmap.
FrameLayout view = (FrameLayout)findViewById(R.id.framelayout);
Bitmap bm = view.getDrawingCache();