Here is the type of data that I\'m importing as a csv file:
RPID mm ID Time Freq Freq.1 Freq.2
RPO483 1 B6AC 5 23301 30512
RPO483 1
You need to reshape the data in order to plot.
First I read your data. Note that you have some NA values.
dat <- read.table(text = '
RPID mm ID Time Freq Freq.1 Freq.2
RPO483 1 B6AC 5 23301 30512
RPO483 1 B6AC 25 19 17
RPO244 1 B6C 5 14889 20461
RPO244 1 B6C 25 81 86
RPO876 1 G3G3A 5 106760 59950 103745
RPO876 1 G3G3A 25 4578 38119 37201
RPO876 7 F3G3A 5 205803 148469 173580
RPO876 7 F3G3A 25 28648 30321 26454
RPO939 7 F3E324A 5 242285
RPO939 7 F3E324A 25 42837
RPO934 7 F3E325A 5 242001 129272 112371
RPO934 7 F3E325A 25 73057 58685 66582',head=T, fill=T)
Using reshape2
for example
dat.m <- melt(dat,id.vars='ID', measure.vars=c('Freq','Freq.1','Freq.2'))
p <- ggplot(dat.m) +
geom_boxplot(aes(x=ID, y=value, color=variable))