I have OpenCV code (c++), which I want to use in Android. To do this I have to use Android NDK. I downloaded OpenCV package for Android development (ver. 2.4.0) and did all
Instead of loading your native library as
load your library after opencv manager is connected in "onManagerConnected" method in you "BaseLoaderCallBack". Following is my code snippet working for me
public void onManagerConnected(int status) {
case LoaderCallbackInterface.SUCCESS:
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "manager connected", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
You're at a higher level than the actual problem. See "Getting started with the NDK", when you run
cd <project>
... what does it say? (Remember to use the cygwin window and not a dos prompt).
Finally I found solution for this problem by myself!
I decided to debug line:
To do this I downloaded android source code from Android-SDK and then attached source folder (/opt/android-sdk-linux/sources/android-15) to my project. After this I found that error was:
Cannot load library: link_image[1936]: 37 could not load needed library 'libopencv_java.so' for 'libhello-jni.so' (load_library[1091]: Library 'libopencv_java.so' not found)
And really this library is not in lib
directory. I don't know why but ndk-build
ignored it. So i decided to copy and load it manualy. For this I copied libopencv_java.so
from /opt/OpenCV-2.4.0/libs/armeabi-v7a
and also edited java code:
static {
System.loadLibrary("opencv_java"); //load opencv_java lib
Actually similar problems are:
From second solution I found that I can load libraries using dlopen, but I haven't tried it yet.
So I will write simple bash-script that will do it (just copy) for myself.
Thanks to all.