I have an imageview and i set Image Resources programmatically like this:
int resourceId = getResources().getIdentifier(\"imagename\", \"drawable\", \"mypack
Just simply use this library https://github.com/ChathuraHettiarachchi/BlurIM , I was having problem with BlurTransformation class had errors thats why couldn't use Glide transformation but this works fine.
You can use RenderScript to accomblish that as explained here or you can use the stackblur library to make a blurring effect in your image.
Usage of the stackblur library:
int resourceId = getResources().getIdentifier("imagename", "drawable", "mypackage");
// get bitmap from resource id
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), resourceId);
StackBlurManager stackBlurManager = new StackBlurManager(bitmap);
// process the image using a certain radius
// obtain the image and load it into an ImageView or any other component
There's the library that can use RenderScript so a blurring is blazingly fast and super easy to use:
app:downSampling="2" />
You can use glide transformations https://github.com/wasabeef/glide-transformations you can blur the image with one line of code
.bitmapTransform(new BlurTransformation(context))
.into((ImageView) findViewById(R.id.image));