JPA : How to convert a native query result set to POJO class collection

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孤街浪徒 2020-11-22 09:23

I am using JPA in my project.

I came to a query in which I need to make join operation on five tables. So I created a native query which returns five fields.

  • 2020-11-22 09:50

    I have found a couple of solutions to this.

    Using Mapped Entities (JPA 2.0)

    Using JPA 2.0 it is not possible to map a native query to a POJO, it can only be done with an entity.

    For instance:

    Query query = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT name,age FROM jedi_table", Jedi.class);
    List<Jedi> items = (List<Jedi>) query.getResultList();

    But in this case, Jedi, must be a mapped entity class.

    An alternative to avoid the unchecked warning here, would be to use a named native query. So if we declare the native query in an entity

     query = "SELECT name,age FROM jedis_table", 
     resultClass = Jedi.class)

    Then, we can simply do:

    TypedQuery<Jedi> query = em.createNamedQuery("jedisQry", Jedi.class);
    List<Jedi> items = query.getResultList();

    This is safer, but we are still restricted to use a mapped entity.

    Manual Mapping

    A solution I experimented a bit (before the arrival of JPA 2.1) was doing mapping against a POJO constructor using a bit of reflection.

    public static <T> T map(Class<T> type, Object[] tuple){
       List<Class<?>> tupleTypes = new ArrayList<>();
       for(Object field : tuple){
       try {
          Constructor<T> ctor = type.getConstructor(tupleTypes.toArray(new Class<?>[tuple.length]));
          return ctor.newInstance(tuple);
       } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);

    This method basically takes a tuple array (as returned by native queries) and maps it against a provided POJO class by looking for a constructor that has the same number of fields and of the same type.

    Then we can use convenient methods like:

    public static <T> List<T> map(Class<T> type, List<Object[]> records){
       List<T> result = new LinkedList<>();
       for(Object[] record : records){
          result.add(map(type, record));
       return result;
    public static <T> List<T> getResultList(Query query, Class<T> type){
      List<Object[]> records = query.getResultList();
      return map(type, records);

    And we can simply use this technique as follows:

    Query query = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT name,age FROM jedis_table");
    List<Jedi> jedis = getResultList(query, Jedi.class);

    JPA 2.1 with @SqlResultSetMapping

    With the arrival of JPA 2.1, we can use the @SqlResultSetMapping annotation to solve the problem.

    We need to declare a result set mapping somewhere in a entity:

    @SqlResultSetMapping(name="JediResult", classes = {
        @ConstructorResult(targetClass = Jedi.class, 
        columns = {@ColumnResult(name="name"), @ColumnResult(name="age")})

    And then we simply do:

    Query query = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT name,age FROM jedis_table", "JediResult");
    List<Jedi> samples = query.getResultList();

    Of course, in this case Jedi needs not to be an mapped entity. It can be a regular POJO.

    Using XML Mapping

    I am one of those that find adding all these @SqlResultSetMapping pretty invasive in my entities, and I particularly dislike the definition of named queries within entities, so alternatively I do all this in the META-INF/orm.xml file:

    <named-native-query name="GetAllJedi" result-set-mapping="JediMapping">
        <query>SELECT name,age FROM jedi_table</query>
    <sql-result-set-mapping name="JediMapping">
            <constructor-result target-class="org.answer.model.Jedi">
                <column name="name" class="java.lang.String"/>
                <column name="age" class="java.lang.Integer"/>

    And those are all the solutions I know. The last two are the ideal way if we can use JPA 2.1.

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  • 2020-11-22 09:52

    All you need is a DTO with a constructor :

    public class User2DTO implements Serializable {
        /** pode ser email ou id do Google comecando com G ou F para Facebook */
        private String username;
        private String password;
        private String email;
        private String name;
        private Integer loginType;
        public User2DTO(Object...fields) {
            this.username = (String) fields[0];
   = (String) fields[1];
   = (String) fields[2];
            this.password = (String) fields[3];
            this.loginType = (Integer) fields[4];

    and call it :

    EntityManager em = repo.getEntityManager();
            Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT u.username,,, 'blabla' as passe, login_type as loginType FROM users u");
            List<Object[]> objList = q.getResultList();
            List<User2DTO> ooBj =;
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  • 2020-11-22 09:53

    Using Hibernate :

    public void accessUser() {
    EntityManager em = repo.getEntityManager();
        org.hibernate.Session session = em.unwrap(org.hibernate.Session.class);
        org.hibernate.SQLQuery q = (org.hibernate.SQLQuery) session.createSQLQuery("SELECT u.username,,, 'blabla' as passe, login_type as loginType FROM users u").addScalar("username", StringType.INSTANCE).addScalar("name", StringType.INSTANCE).addScalar("email", StringType.INSTANCE).addScalar("passe", StringType.INSTANCE).addScalar("loginType", IntegerType.INSTANCE)
        List<User2DTO> userList = q.list();
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