I was wondering if it is possible to find the closest element in a List
for a element that is not there.
For example if we had the valu
Andrey's answer is correct. Just expanding on it a bit.
No need to reinvent the wheel when you can use the built in binary search.
You can find the indices with:
int leftIndex = (-Collections.binarySearch(allItems, key) - 2);
int rightIndex = (-Collections.binarySearch(allItems, key) - 1);
The item in the list will need to implement Comparable.
Simple types like String
and Integer
already implement this. Here's an example https://www.javatpoint.com/Comparable-interface-in-collection-framework.
Depending on your use case you may want to do index = Math.max(0, index)
after the binary search just to be safe.
Another O(log n) easy to understand solution using binary search:
public class Solution {
static int findClosest(int arr[], int n, int target)
int l=0, h=n-1, diff=Integer.MAX_VALUE, val=arr[0];
int mid=l+(h-l)/2;
diff= Math.abs(target-arr[mid]);
return val;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(findClosest(new int[]{1,3,6,7}, 4, 3));
Considering using NavigableSet
, in particular higher
and lower
There are two methods to achieve the result-
I prefer to use the lower_bound method, it's short :)
int pos=lower_bound(v.begin(),v.end(),value);
For binary search, you can refer to the above answers, as my code will seem like a copy paste of their code. Note that I have declared the array globally here.
binarysearch(int low,int high,int val)
return 0;
return arr[n-1];
int mid=(low+high)/2;
return binarysearch(low,mid-1,val);
else if(v[mid]<val)
return binarysearch(mid+1,high,val);
else return mid;
return high;
return low;
If the array is sorted you can do a modified binary search in O( log n )
public static int search(int value, int[] a) {
if(value < a[0]) {
return a[0];
if(value > a[a.length-1]) {
return a[a.length-1];
int lo = 0;
int hi = a.length - 1;
while (lo <= hi) {
int mid = (hi + lo) / 2;
if (value < a[mid]) {
hi = mid - 1;
} else if (value > a[mid]) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else {
return a[mid];
// lo == hi + 1
return (a[lo] - value) < (value - a[hi]) ? a[lo] : a[hi];
Just thinking off the top of my head, if you need to find all closest values in a sorted list, you can find a closest value, then find all values with the same distance away from the target. Here, I use binary search 3 times:
In Python:
def closest_value(arr, target):
def helper(arr, target, lo, hi, closest_so_far):
# Edge case
if lo == hi:
mid = lo
if abs(arr[mid] - target) < abs(arr[closest_so_far] - target):
closest_so_far = mid
return closest_so_far
# General case
mid = ((hi - lo) >> 1) + lo
if arr[mid] == target:
return mid
if abs(arr[mid] - target) < abs(arr[closest_so_far] - target):
closest_so_far = mid
if arr[mid] < target:
# Search right
return helper(arr, target, min(mid + 1, hi), hi, closest_so_far)
# Search left
return helper(arr, target, lo, max(mid - 1, lo), closest_so_far)
if len(arr) == 0:
return -1
return helper(arr, target, 0, len(arr) - 1, arr[0])
arr = [0, 10, 14, 27, 28, 30, 47]
attempt = closest_value(arr, 26)
print(attempt, arr[attempt])
assert attempt == 3
attempt = closest_value(arr, 29)
print(attempt, arr[attempt])
assert attempt in (4, 5)
def closest_values(arr, target):
def left_helper(arr, target, abs_diff, lo, hi):
# Base case
if lo == hi:
diff = arr[lo] - target
if abs(diff) == abs_diff:
return lo
return lo + 1
# General case
mid = ((hi - lo) >> 1) + lo
diff = arr[mid] - target
if diff < 0 and abs(diff) > abs_diff:
# Search right
return left_helper(arr, target, abs_diff, min(mid + 1, hi), hi)
elif abs(diff) == abs_diff:
# Search left
return left_helper(arr, target, abs_diff, lo, max(mid - 1, lo))
# Search left
return left_helper(arr, target, abs_diff, lo, max(mid - 1, lo))
def right_helper(arr, target, abs_diff, lo, hi):
# Base case
if lo == hi:
diff = arr[lo] - target
if abs(diff) == abs_diff:
return lo
return lo - 1
# General case
mid = ((hi - lo) >> 1) + lo
diff = arr[mid] - target
if diff < 0 and abs(diff) > abs_diff:
# Search right
return right_helper(arr, target, abs_diff, min(mid + 1, hi), hi)
elif abs(diff) == abs_diff:
# Search right
return right_helper(arr, target, abs_diff, min(mid + 1, hi), hi)
# Search left
return right_helper(arr, target, abs_diff, lo, max(mid - 1, lo))
a_closest_value = closest_value(arr, target)
if a_closest_value == -1:
return -1, -1
n = len(arr)
abs_diff = abs(arr[a_closest_value] - target)
left = left_helper(arr, target, abs_diff, 0, a_closest_value)
right = right_helper(arr, target, abs_diff, a_closest_value, n - 1)
return left, right
arr = [0, 10, 14, 27, 27, 29, 30]
attempt = closest_values(arr, 28)
print(attempt, arr[attempt[0] : attempt[1] + 1])
assert attempt == (3, 5)
attempt = closest_values(arr, 27)
print(attempt, arr[attempt[0] : attempt[1] + 1])
assert attempt == (3, 4)