I have a web page that opens a div when you click a button. This div allows you to drag a file from your desktop onto its area; the file then gets uploaded to the server. I\
You can use Blueduck Sda (http://sda.blueducktesting.com) Is an OSS that has implemented ALL selenium functions (It works with selenium RC) but it allows you to automate Windows actions. So you can test web, and interact with the OS. So you can make your test, and then, just tell the mouse to click on the element and drop it where you want!
Nice testing!
Note: you should also add
e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.types = [ 'Files' ];
I post an RSpec test that simulate files drag and drop using Selenium webdriver. It use jQuery to make and trigger a fake 'drop' event.
This code simulate drag and drop of a single file. For sake of simplicity I've stripped code that allow multiple files dropping. Tell me if you need it.
describe "when user drop files", :js => true do
before do
page.execute_script("seleniumUpload = window.$('<input/>').attr({id: 'seleniumUpload', type:'file'}).appendTo('body');")
attach_file('seleniumUpload', Rails.root + 'spec/support/pdffile/pdfTest.pdf')
# Trigger the drop event
page.execute_script("e = $.Event('drop'); e.originalEvent = {dataTransfer : { files : seleniumUpload.get(0).files } }; $('#fileDropArea').trigger(e);")
it "should ..." do
should have_content '...'
P.S.: remember to replace #fileDropArea with ID of your drop area.
P.P.S: don't use evaluate_script in place of execute_script, otherwise selenium get stuck evaluating complex jQuery objects!
UPDATE: I've write a method you can reuse and do the stuff written above.
def drop_files files, drop_area_id
js_script = "fileList = Array();"
files.count.times do |i|
# Generate a fake input selector
page.execute_script("if ($('#seleniumUpload#{i}').length == 0) { seleniumUpload#{i} = window.$('<input/>').attr({id: 'seleniumUpload#{i}', type:'file'}).appendTo('body'); }")
# Attach file to the fake input selector through Capybara
attach_file("seleniumUpload#{i}", files[i])
# Build up the fake js event
js_script = "#{js_script} fileList.push(seleniumUpload#{i}.get(0).files[0]);"
# Trigger the fake drop event
page.execute_script("#{js_script} e = $.Event('drop'); e.originalEvent = {dataTransfer : { files : fileList } }; $('##{drop_area_id}').trigger(e);")
describe "when user drop files", :js => true do
before do
files = [ Rails.root + 'spec/support/pdffile/pdfTest1.pdf',
Rails.root + 'spec/support/pdffile/pdfTest2.pdf',
Rails.root + 'spec/support/pdffile/pdfTest3.pdf' ]
drop_files files, 'fileDropArea'
it "should ..." do
should have_content '...'
As @Shmoopy asked for it, here's a C# translation of the code provided by @micred
private void DropImage(string dropBoxId, string filePath)
var javascriptDriver = this.Driver as IJavaScriptExecutor;
var inputId = dropBoxId + "FileUpload";
// append input to HTML to add file path
javascriptDriver.ExecuteScript(inputId + " = window.$('<input id=\"" + inputId + "\"/>').attr({type:'file'}).appendTo('body');");
// fire mock event pointing to inserted file path
javascriptDriver.ExecuteScript("e = $.Event('drop'); e.originalEvent = {dataTransfer : { files : " + inputId + ".get(0).files } }; $('#" + dropBoxId + "').trigger(e);");