To debug HTTP requests during development, I would like my WildFly 8 application server to dump HTTP requests, including request method and headers, to a log file
On Wildfly 9 and 10.1.0, it works just by adding
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:undertow:3.1">
<server name="default-server">
<host name="default-host" alias="localhost">
There are a number of people asking how to get the entire HTTP body logged out, not just the headers.
It seems an answer exists:
In short, if that link doesn't survive, a simple addition to your standalone.xml will do the trick:
<property name="" value="true"/>
I added this after the <extensions>...</extensions>
and before <management>...</management>
, restarted wildfly, and was able to get complete HTTP bodies in my server logs (server.log in my case).
This does not interact with or depend on the Undertow "request dumper" at all as far as I can tell, you can do one, the other, or both.
You would need to add RequestDumpingHandler to your handler chain.
As part of wildfly 8.1, that is not yet possible in a friendly way.
This is improved in 8.2 and 9 so you will be able to configure this by adding something like this:
<host name="default-host" >
<filter-ref name="request-dumper"/>
<filter name="request-dumper" class-name="io.undertow.server.handlers.RequestDumpingHandler" module="io.undertow.core" />
in 8.1 only option now would be to add ServletExtension
that would add this RequestDumpingHandler to outer chain.
FWIW 8.2 release is almost ready, so you could wait for it or just build sources for 8.x branch.
To add above config via CLI, you can use:
/subsystem=undertow/configuration=filter/custom-filter=request-dumper:add(class-name="io.undertow.server.handlers.RequestDumpingHandler", module="io.undertow.core")