I\'d like to show the current language that the device UI is using. What code would I use?
I want this as an NSString
in fully spelled out format. (Not
// To get device default selected language. It will print like short name of zone. For english, en or spain, es.
let language = Bundle.main.preferredLocalizations.first! as NSString
print("device language",language)
In Swift
let languageCode = NSLocale.currentLocale().objectForKey(NSLocaleLanguageCode) as? String
Translating language codes such as en_US into English (United States) is a built in feature of NSLocale
and NSLocale
does not care where you get the language codes from. So there really is no reason to implement your own translation as the accepted answer suggests.
// Example code - try changing the language codes and see what happens
NSLocale *locale = [[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en"];
NSString *l1 = [locale displayNameForKey:NSLocaleIdentifier value:@"en"];
NSString *l2 = [locale displayNameForKey:NSLocaleIdentifier value:@"de"];
NSString *l3 = [locale displayNameForKey:NSLocaleIdentifier value:@"sv"];
NSLog(@"%@, %@, %@", l1, l2, l3);
Prints: English, German, Swedish
For getting user device current language use the following it code it worked for me.
NSString * myString = [[NSLocale preferredlanguage]objectAtIndex:0];
For MonoTouch C# developers use:
NSLocale.PreferredLanguages.FirstOrDefault() ?? "en"
Note: I know this was an iOS question, but as I am a MonoTouch developer, the answer on this page led me in the right direction and I thought I'd share the results.
I tried to found out the right solution for myself. When I use Locale.preferredLanguages.first
was returned the preferred language from your app settings.
If you want get to know language from user device settings, you should the use string below:
Swift 3
let currentDeviceLanguage = Locale.current.languageCode
// Will return the optional String
To unwrap and use look at the line below:
if let currentDeviceLanguage = Locale.current.languageCode {
print("currentLanguage", currentDeviceLanguage)
// For example
if currentDeviceLanguage == "he" {
UIView.appearance().semanticContentAttribute = .forceRightToLeft
} else {
UIView.appearance().semanticContentAttribute = .forceLeftToRight