From what I see, in v2 of GMaps API there was a property \"buttons\" of the InfoWindow object that one could define in a way that given InfoWindow has no close button:
This works
.gm-style-iw > button {display: none !important;}
You can also do it through the css.
.gm-style-iw + div {display: none;}
edit january 2019
as @antmeehan said in the comment,
Google have changed the HTML, and the close button is now a button element rather than a div
So the css code to hide the "x" button is now:
.gm-style-iw + button {display: none;}
if using jquery just add this
Thanks Tushar, but also you need put this code in event handler
google.maps.event.addListener(infowindow, 'domready', function(){
To extend on Louis Moore's answer, you can also center the text after removing the close button:
.gm-style-iw + div {display: none;}
.gm-style-iw {text-align:center;}
Without Centering:
With Centering:
I used the answer given by Tushar Gaurav, but expanded it a little...
$(".gm-style-iw:contains(" + infoText + ")").css("left", function() {
return ($(this).parent().width() - $(this).width()) / 2;
That will remove the X from an infowindow with the text in infoText
, and then recenter the text as it's off-center after removing the close button.
Just adding this for anyone else who stumbles across this page as I did.