How can I initialise a static Map?

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慢半拍i 2020-11-22 08:43

How would you initialise a static Map in Java?

Method one: static initialiser
Method two: instance initialiser (anonymous subclass) or some other m

  • 2020-11-22 09:21

    I like the Guava way of initialising a static, immutable map:

    static final Map<Integer, String> MY_MAP = ImmutableMap.of(
        1, "one",
        2, "two"

    As you can see, it's very concise (because of the convenient factory methods in ImmutableMap).

    If you want the map to have more than 5 entries, you can no longer use ImmutableMap.of(). Instead, try ImmutableMap.builder() along these lines:

    static final Map<Integer, String> MY_MAP = ImmutableMap.<Integer, String>builder()
        .put(1, "one")
        .put(2, "two")
        // ... 
        .put(15, "fifteen")

    To learn more about the benefits of Guava's immutable collection utilities, see Immutable Collections Explained in Guava User Guide.

    (A subset of) Guava used to be called Google Collections. If you aren't using this library in your Java project yet, I strongly recommend trying it out! Guava has quickly become one of the most popular and useful free 3rd party libs for Java, as fellow SO users agree. (If you are new to it, there are some excellent learning resources behind that link.)

    Update (2015): As for Java 8, well, I would still use the Guava approach because it is way cleaner than anything else. If you don't want Guava dependency, consider a plain old init method. The hack with two-dimensional array and Stream API is pretty ugly if you ask me, and gets uglier if you need to create a Map whose keys and values are not the same type (like Map<Integer, String> in the question).

    As for future of Guava in general, with regards to Java 8, Louis Wasserman said this back in 2014, and [update] in 2016 it was announced that Guava 21 will require and properly support Java 8.

    Update (2016): As Tagir Valeev points out, Java 9 will finally make this clean to do using nothing but pure JDK, by adding convenience factory methods for collections:

    static final Map<Integer, String> MY_MAP = Map.of(
        1, "one", 
        2, "two"
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  • 2020-11-22 09:23

    The anonymous class you're creating works well. However you should be aware that this is an inner class and as such, it'll contain a reference to the surrounding class instance. So you'll find you can't do certain things with it (using XStream for one). You'll get some very strange errors.

    Having said that, so long as you're aware then this approach is fine. I use it most of the time for initialising all sorts of collections in a concise fashion.

    EDIT: Pointed out correctly in the comments that this is a static class. Obviously I didn't read this closely enough. However my comments do still apply to anonymous inner classes.

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  • 2020-11-22 09:25

    Maybe it's interesting to check out Google Collections, e.g. the videos that they have on their page. They provide various ways to initialize maps and sets, and provide immutable collections as well.

    Update: This library is now named Guava.

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  • 2020-11-22 09:26

    Java 5 provides this more compact syntax:

    static final Map<String , String> FLAVORS = new HashMap<String , String>() {{
        put("Up",    "Down");
        put("Charm", "Strange");
        put("Top",   "Bottom");
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 09:26

    I prefer using a static initializer to avoid generating anonymous classes (which would have no further purpose), so I'll list tips initializing with a static initializer. All listed solutions / tips are type-safe.

    Note: The question doesn't say anything about making the map unmodifiable, so I will leave that out, but know that it can easily be done with Collections.unmodifiableMap(map).

    First tip

    The 1st tip is that you can make a local reference to the map and you give it a SHORT name:

    private static final Map<Integer, String> myMap = new HashMap<>();
    static {
        final Map<Integer, String> m = myMap; // Use short name!
        m.put(1, "one"); // Here referencing the local variable which is also faster!
        m.put(2, "two");
        m.put(3, "three");

    Second tip

    The 2nd tip is that you can create a helper method to add entries; you can also make this helper method public if you want to:

    private static final Map<Integer, String> myMap2 = new HashMap<>();
    static {
        p(1, "one"); // Calling the helper method.
        p(2, "two");
        p(3, "three");
    private static void p(Integer k, String v) {
        myMap2.put(k, v);

    The helper method here is not re-usable though because it can only add elements to myMap2. To make it re-usable, we could make the map itself a parameter of the helper method, but then initialization code would not be any shorter.

    Third tip

    The 3rd tip is that you can create a re-usable builder-like helper class with the populating functionality. This is really a simple, 10-line helper class which is type-safe:

    public class Test {
        private static final Map<Integer, String> myMap3 = new HashMap<>();
        static {
            new B<>(myMap3)   // Instantiating the helper class with our map
                .p(1, "one")
                .p(2, "two")
                .p(3, "three");
    class B<K, V> {
        private final Map<K, V> m;
        public B(Map<K, V> m) {
            this.m = m;
        public B<K, V> p(K k, V v) {
            m.put(k, v);
            return this; // Return this for chaining
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  • 2020-11-22 09:26

    If you want something terse and relatively safe, you can just shift compile-time type checking to run-time:

    static final Map<String, Integer> map = MapUtils.unmodifiableMap(
        String.class, Integer.class,
        "cat",  4,
        "dog",  2,
        "frog", 17

    This implementation should catch any errors:

    import java.util.HashMap;
    public abstract class MapUtils
        private MapUtils() { }
        public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> unmodifiableMap(
                Class<? extends K> keyClazz,
                Class<? extends V> valClazz,
            return Collections.<K, V>unmodifiableMap(makeMap(
        public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> makeMap(
                Class<? extends K> keyClazz,
                Class<? extends V> valClazz,
            if (keyValues.length % 2 != 0)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "'keyValues' was formatted incorrectly!  "
                      + "(Expected an even length, but found '" + keyValues.length + "')");
            HashMap<K, V> result = new HashMap<K, V>(keyValues.length / 2);
            for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.length;)
                K key = cast(keyClazz, keyValues[i], i);
                V val = cast(valClazz, keyValues[i], i);
                result.put(key, val);
            return result;
        private static <T> T cast(Class<? extends T> clazz, Object object, int i)
                return clazz.cast(object);
            catch (ClassCastException e)
                String objectName = (i % 2 == 0) ? "Key" : "Value";
                String format = "%s at index %d ('%s') wasn't assignable to type '%s'";
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(format, objectName, i, object.toString(), clazz.getSimpleName()), e);
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