Add a checkbox to the exit dialog to launch the app, or the helpfile.
<!-- CA to launch the exe after install -->
<CustomAction Id ="CA.StartAppOnExit"
FileKey ="YourAppExeId"
ExeCommand =""
Execute ="immediate"
Impersonate ="yes"
Return ="asyncNoWait" />
<!-- CA to launch the help file -->
<CustomAction Id ="CA.LaunchHelp"
Directory ="INSTALLDIR"
ExeCommand ='[WindowsFolder]hh.exe IirfGuide.chm'
Execute ="immediate"
Return ="asyncNoWait" />
Value="Launch MyApp when setup exits." />
<Publish Dialog ="ExitDialog"
Control ="Finish"
Order ="1"
Event ="DoAction"
If you do it this way, the "standard" appearance isn't quite right. The checkbox is always a gray background, while the dialog is white:
alt text
One way around this is to specify your own custom ExitDialog, with a differently-located checkbox. This works, but seems like a lot of work just to change the color of one control. Another way to solve the same thing is to post-process the generated MSI to change the X,Y fields in the Control table for that particular CheckBox control. The javascript code looks like this:
var msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1;
var filespec = WScript.Arguments(0);
var installer = new ActiveXObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer");
var database = installer.OpenDatabase(filespec, msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact);
var sql = "UPDATE `Control` SET `Control`.`Height` = '18', `Control`.`Width` = '170'," +
" `Control`.`Y`='243', `Control`.`X`='10' " +
"WHERE `Control`.`Dialog_`='ExitDialog' AND " +
" `Control`.`Control`='OptionalCheckBox'";
var view = database.OpenView(sql);
Running this code as a command-line script (using cscript.exe) after the MSI is generated (from light.exe) will produce an ExitDialog that looks more professional:
alt text