Is there a way to build e.g. (853467 * 21660421200929) % 100000000000007
without BigInteger libraries (note that each number fits into a 64 bit integer but the
Keith Randall's answer is good, but as he said, a caveat is that it works only if m
is 63 bits or less.
Here is a modification which has two advantages:
is 64 bits.(Note that the res -= m
and temp_b -= m
lines rely on 64-bit unsigned integer overflow in order to give the expected results. This should be fine since unsigned integer overflow is well-defined in C and C++. For this reason it's important to use unsigned integer types.)
uint64_t mulmod(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t m) {
uint64_t res = 0;
uint64_t temp_b;
/* Only needed if b may be >= m */
if (b >= m) {
if (m > UINT64_MAX / 2u)
b -= m;
b %= m;
while (a != 0) {
if (a & 1) {
/* Add b to res, modulo m, without overflow */
if (b >= m - res) /* Equiv to if (res + b >= m), without overflow */
res -= m;
res += b;
a >>= 1;
/* Double b, modulo m */
temp_b = b;
if (b >= m - b) /* Equiv to if (2 * b >= m), without overflow */
temp_b -= m;
b += temp_b;
return res;