I made an application that uses the openssl dlls (libeay32.dll
and ssleay32.dll
It is indy using them, I don\'t call the dlls directly.
If you are using an up-to-date version of Indy 10, the IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders
unit has a public IdOpenSSLSetLibPath()
function to tell Indy which custom folder to look in for the OpenSSL DLLs:
procedure IdOpenSSLSetLibPath(const APath: String);
You can use SetDllDirectory to manipulate the DLL search order.
Load the DLLs yourself with LoadLibrary as soon as you have written them to the temp folder.
This will make Indy's LoadLibrary
use your DLLs when they need them:
If lpFileName does not include a path and there is more than one loaded module with the same base name and extension, the function returns a handle to the module that was loaded first.