What I need is a date for the next given day (Monday, Tuesday, Wed...) following today\'s date.
The user is allowed to select what day following they want and that i
A calendar table is an alternative to using a bunch of date functions and date arithmetic. A minimal calendar table for this particular problem might look something like this.
2013-09-20 Fri
2012-09-21 Sat
2012-09-22 Sun
2012-09-23 Mon
2012-09-24 Tue
So a query to get the next Monday might look like this.
select min(cal_date)
from calendar
where cal_date > current_date
and day_of_week = 'Mon';
In practice, you'll probably want a lot more columns in the calendar table, because you'll find a lot of uses for it.
Also, code that uses a calendar table can usually be seen to be obviously correct. Reading the code above is simple: select the minimum calendar date that's after today and that falls on Monday. It's pretty rare to see code that relies on date functions and date arithmetic that's obviously correct.
A calendar table in PostgreSQL