I want the user to be able to type in a fraction like:
2 1/4
And convert it into its corresponding decimal, to be saved in MySQL,
The fraction to decimal is quite straightforward and there are lots of solutions. I'd go with trimming the string, replacing spaces with '+', and anything other than space,/,. or digits with '' then running it through 'eval'.
The decimal to fraction is virtually impossible to do correctly - not least because your decimal fraction would probably have to be converted to binary first - at which point you loose a lot of precision. As an academic exercise.....If you can live with the difference between 20976/41953 and 1/2 then you could try a fuzzy match for a predefined number of fractions:
(there's probably a neater way of implementing the same algorithm - but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader).
function decimal_2_frac($inp_decimal)
static $fracs;
if (!is_array($fracs)) {
foreach ($fracs as $decimal=>$frac) {
if (abs($decimal-$inp_decimal)<$distance) {
if (abs($decimal-$inp_decimal)>$distance) {
return $int_part . ' ' . $candidate;
function init_fracs(&$fracs)
for ($x=2;$x<(5*DECIMAL_DIGITS);$x++) {
// there's probably a beter way to calculate the loop limit
for ($y=1; $y<$x; $y++) {
if (!array_key_exists($decimal,$fracs)) {
But personally, I'd just store the original representation in a seperate field in the database.
function frac2dec($fraction) {
list($whole, $fractional) = explode(' ', $fraction);
$type = empty($fractional) ? 'improper' : 'mixed';
list($numerator, $denominator) = explode('/', $type == 'improper' ? $whole : $fractional);
$decimal = $numerator / ( 0 == $denominator ? 1 : $denominator );
return $type == 'improper' ? $decimal : $whole + $decimal;
I think I'd store the string representation too, as, once you run the math, you're not getting it back!
And, here's a quick-n-dirty compute function, no guarantees:
$input = '1 1/2';
$fraction = array('whole' => 0);
preg_match('/^((?P<whole>\d+)(?=\s))?(\s*)?(?P<numerator>\d+)\/(?P<denominator>\d+)$/', $input, $fraction);
$result = $fraction['whole'] + $fraction['numerator']/$fraction['denominator'];
Oh, for completeness, add a check to make sure $fraction['denominator'] != 0
To can use PEAR's Math_Fraction class for some of your needs
include "Math/Fraction.php";
$fr = new Math_Fraction(1,2);
// print as a string
// output: 1/2
echo $fr->toString();
// print as float
// output: 0.5
echo $fr->toFloat();
Little improvement on above, but keepin it simple.
function dec2frac($f) {
$base = floor($f);
if ($base) {
$out = $base . ' ';
$f = $f - $base;
if ($f != 0) {
$d = 1;
while (fmod($f, 1) != 0.0) {
$f *= 2;
$d *= 2;
$n = sprintf('%.0f', $f);
$d = sprintf('%.0f', $d);
$out .= $n . '/' . $d;
return $out;
Just adding a bit more logic to Derek's accepted answer - check for "division by zero" and whole number input check.
function fractionToDec($input) {
if (strpos($input, '/') === FALSE) {
$result = $input;
} else {
$fraction = array('whole' => 0);
preg_match('/^((?P<whole>\d+)(?=\s))?(\s*)?(?P<numerator>\d+)\/(?P<denominator>\d+)$/', $input, $fraction);
$result = $fraction['whole'];
if ($fraction['denominator'] > 0)
$result += $fraction['numerator'] / $fraction['denominator'];
return $result;