I am attempting to create a transition between two subviews (view1 and view2). When a button is pressed I want view1 (front) to flip and show view2 (back). I have tried both
I had the same requirement, and saw many approaches -- from using layers (which ends up very complicated if you just want to deal with a UIView) to suggestions that i needed a "container" to then transition between to sub-views. But if you just want to swithc something front to back, like flipping over a playing card or a game tile, i made a one line change:
(note: i have an array of UIViews (tiles[x][y]) in a grid (for a game). i have all my imagefilenames in database tables / arrays, which dynamically are loaded into the UIImages of the UIImageViews. The image for the "back" of a card or tile in a UIImage named "tileBackPicImageNM".
so my code that simply swapped the front image out for an image of the back was:
[tiles[indexX][indexY] setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:tileBackPicImageNM]];
which works fine.
but and now, to show a flipping action, it is:
[UIView transitionWithView:tiles[indexX][indexY] duration:0.3 options:UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromLeft
[[indexX][indexY] setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:tileBackPicImageNM]];
I experimented with different "duration" parameters -- subsequently made it a float that I set in the viewDidLoad routine. Faster than 0.3 is almost not visible, and a value of 1 or 2 is very slow...
This does not involve two sub-views, which is my case is a lot more useful since i didn't want to have an array of containers containing a hierarchy of views, etc... and on new levels etc i always reload the arrays anyway...