I have a problem with resource files.
I have a solution with two projects. The first project contains ImageResource.resx
file with the images that I use
Can you use a symbolic link to share the file into multiple folders?
mklink linked_location\ImageResource.resx original_location\ImageResource.resx
Creates a symbolic link.
MKLINK [[/D] | [/H] | [/J]] Link Target
/D Creates a directory symbolic link. Default is a file
symbolic link.
/H Creates a hard link instead of a symbolic link.
/J Creates a Directory Junction.
Link specifies the new symbolic link name.
Target specifies the path (relative or absolute) that the new link
refers to.
Next step consists of adding this icon to the other project(s). Note the important difference, you need to add this icon as a link!
Adding as a link avoids the resource duplication. Create a new Project within the same solution and name it e.g. Main. Create some folder in this new project, naming it Resources (the logical name for our purpose). Then right click on this folder, select Add Existing Item… and choose the image file from the shared project folder. Make sure to use Add As Link here! If done correctly the icon of the newly added file will look slightly different (see below):
Added resource's icon must look like this
These are the five simple steps you must perform to share icons between projects. You might ask "What are the benefits of this?" The benefits are:
This didn't work for me and I found another (VS2015+) approach. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/45471284/4151626
In short, the shared project is directly included into the peripheral project. Thus, even though the IDE does not support <Resource>
elements in the shared project. <Resource>
elements can be added to the shared project, via a text editor. They are then incorporated into the peripheral project during the build.
(Apologies for the hyper-link. I would just repost the answer for clarity, but the stackoverflow editors crack down on this, deleting duplicate answers to save you from ???.)
If a resource file is really shared between projects, you should put it in a shared project.
Solution 'Sample'
Project Sample.Data
Project Sample.Business
Project Sample.UI
Project Sample.Resource //shared resources are put in a shared project
You can't see the resource if it is not public, and it is default set to "Friend". You can set the "Access Modifier" in the Visual Designer (upper right-hand corner).