if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== \'production\') {
(WithUser as any).displayName = wrapDisplayName(Component, \'withUser\');
This is a Typescript operator, it's not available in ECMAScript 2015 (latest release of Javascript)
As the answers above indicated, the 'as' operator is a form of Type Assertion
To take a short example, say you have two types: First & Second. You're writing a method, and the method doesn't exactly know which type your object will be of. It could be of type First or Second.
So, you declare your variable without a strict type. Once your method is aware of the type your variable should take on, you can return it 'as that type'.
That seemed a little vague and ambiguous, but the 'as' operator actually performs the exact same function as another (more familiar) pattern:
These two snippets of code do the exact same thing
let accountCode = '123';
let castedAccountCode = <number>accountCode;
Using as keyword:
let accountCode = '123';
let castedAccountCode = accountCode as number;
This kind of type assertion is useless, as
function foo (a: string, b: string): number {
return (a as number) + (b as number)
simply transpiles to
function foo(a, b) {
return a + b;
I first expected it to be something like
function foo(a, b) {
if (typeof a != 'string') throw ...
if (typeof b != 'string') throw ...
return Number(a) + Number(b)
but no. TS gives users a wrong sense of security.
It's TypeScript, not vanilla JS, but for the as
itself: It's called Type Assertion, you are just telling the compiler to treat something as a type:
var a = 'TEST STRING'
var b = a as string; //Means the compiler will assume it's a string
It's equivalent to this:
var a = 'TEST STRING'
var b = <string> a;
However it might be confusing when working with JSX (JS with html tags)
, so in those cases the as
syntax is preferred.
That is not vanilla JavaScript, it is TypeScript. As any means consider the typed object as a plain untyped JavaScrpt object.
The as
keyword is a Type Assertion in TypeScript which tells the compiler to consider the object as another type than the type the compiler infers the object to be.