I think the question was asking for a solution without the use of the Collections API. One uses arrays either for low level details, where performance matters, or for a loosely coupled SOA integration. In the later, it is OK to convert them to Collections and pass them to the business logic as that.
For the low level performance stuff, it is usually already obfuscated by the quick-and-dirty imperative state-mingling by for loops, etc. In that case converting back and forth between Collections and arrays is cumbersome, unreadable, and even resource intensive.
By the way, TopCoder, anyone? Always those array parameters! So be prepared to be able to handle them when in the Arena.
Below is my interpretation of the problem, and a solution. It is different in functionality from both of the one given by Bill K and jelovirt. Also, it handles gracefully the case when the element is not in the array.
Hope that helps!
public char[] remove(char[] symbols, char c)
for (int i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++)
if (symbols[i] == c)
char[] copy = new char[symbols.length-1];
System.arraycopy(symbols, 0, copy, 0, i);
System.arraycopy(symbols, i+1, copy, i, symbols.length-i-1);
return copy;
return symbols;