I am using maven-exec-plugin to generate java sources of Thrift. It invokes the external Thrift compiler and using -o to specify the output directory, \"target/generated-sou
If you would like to prepare such folder structure somewhere in your project and then copy to place you want, use maven-resource plugin to do that:
Instead of the exec plugin, use the antrun plugin to first create the directory and then invoke the thrift compiler.
<mkdir dir="target/generated-sources/thrift"/>
<exec executable="${thrift.executable}">
<arg value="--gen"/>
<arg value="java:beans"/>
<arg value="-o"/>
<arg value="target/generated-sources/thrift"/>
<arg value="src/main/resources/MyThriftMessages.thrift"/>
You may also want to take a look at the maven-thrift-plugin.
You can define an ant task to do the job. Put the plugin
declaration into your project's pom.xml. This will keep your project system-independent:
<delete dir="${thrift.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${thrift.dir}"/>