The answers so far are great! But I see a need for a solution with the following constraints:
- Plain, concise LINQ;
- O(n) complexity;
- Do not evaluate the property more than once per element.
Here it is:
public static T MaxBy<T, R>(this IEnumerable<T> en, Func<T, R> evaluate) where R : IComparable<R> {
return en.Select(t => new Tuple<T, R>(t, evaluate(t)))
.Aggregate((max, next) => next.Item2.CompareTo(max.Item2) > 0 ? next : max).Item1;
public static T MinBy<T, R>(this IEnumerable<T> en, Func<T, R> evaluate) where R : IComparable<R> {
return en.Select(t => new Tuple<T, R>(t, evaluate(t)))
.Aggregate((max, next) => next.Item2.CompareTo(max.Item2) < 0 ? next : max).Item1;
IEnumerable<Tuple<string, int>> list = new[] {
new Tuple<string, int>("other", 2),
new Tuple<string, int>("max", 4),
new Tuple<string, int>("min", 1),
new Tuple<string, int>("other", 3),
Tuple<string, int> min = list.MinBy(x => x.Item2); // "min", 1
Tuple<string, int> max = list.MaxBy(x => x.Item2); // "max", 4