Does anybody know if Selenium (WebDriver preferably) is able to communicate with and act through a browser that is already running before launching a Selenium Client?
This is a pretty old feature request: Allow webdriver to attach to a running browser . So it's officially not supported.
However, there is some working code which claims to support this:
I got a solution in python, I modified the webdriver class bassed on PersistenBrowser class that I found.
replace the webdriver module /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/
Ej. to use:
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
runDriver = sys.argv[1]
sessionId = sys.argv[2]
def setBrowser():
if eval(runDriver):
webdriver = w.Remote(command_executor='http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
webdriver = w.Remote(command_executor='http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
url = webdriver.command_executor._url
session_id = webdriver.session_id
print url
print session_id
return webdriver
This snippet successfully allows to reuse existing browser instance yet avoiding raising the duplicate browser. Found at Tarun Lalwani's blog.
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver
# executor_url = driver.command_executor._url
# session_id = driver.session_id
def attach_to_session(executor_url, session_id):
original_execute = WebDriver.execute
def new_command_execute(self, command, params=None):
if command == "newSession":
# Mock the response
return {'success': 0, 'value': None, 'sessionId': session_id}
return original_execute(self, command, params)
# Patch the function before creating the driver object
WebDriver.execute = new_command_execute
driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor=executor_url, desired_capabilities={})
driver.session_id = session_id
# Replace the patched function with original function
WebDriver.execute = original_execute
return driver
bro = attach_to_session('', '8de24f3bfbec01ba0d82a7946df1d1c3')
All the solutions so far were lacking of certain functionality. Here is my solution:
public class AttachedWebDriver extends RemoteWebDriver {
public AttachedWebDriver(URL url, String sessionId) {
setCommandExecutor(new HttpCommandExecutor(url) {
public Response execute(Command command) throws IOException {
if (command.getName() != "newSession") {
return super.execute(command);
return super.execute(new Command(getSessionId(), "getCapabilities"));
startSession(new DesiredCapabilities());
Javascript solution:
I have successfully attached to existing browser session using this function
webdriver.WebDriver.attachToSession(executor, session_id);
Documentation can be found here.