For instance, I have a url like this :
How do I pass a value \" Use_Id = abc \" to it and use javascript to display on that page ?
Call the page
Then in that page use a javascript function like:
var urlParam = function(name, w){
w = w || window;
var rx = new RegExp('[\&|\?]'+name+'=([^\&\#]+)'),
val =;
return !val ? '':val[1];
To use it:
var useId = urlParam('Use_Id');
The second parameter w
is optional, but useful if you want to read parameters on iframes or parent windows.
There's a similar question on this here What is the easiest way to read/manipulate query string params using javascript?
Which seems to recommend using jQuery's Querystring plugin:
var qs = new QueryString()
// use_id is now available in the use_id variable
var use_id = qs.get("use_id");
Get the QueryString()
code here
var querystring = window.location.querystring;
var myValue = querystring["Use_Id"];
UPDATE: Link to library (thanks @Andy E),
Your server side script could read the value and set it in a hidden form field which your JS could then read.
Shouldn't be too difficult to write your own without the need for an external library.
var GET = {};
var query ="&");
for (var i = 0, max = query.length; i < max; i++)
if (query[i] === "") // check for trailing & with no param
var param = query[i].split("=");
GET[decodeURIComponent(param[0])] = decodeURIComponent(param[1] || "");
Usage: GET.Use_id
or GET["Use_id"]
. You can also check if a parameter is present even if it has a null value using "Use_id" in GET
(will return true or false).