How to quickly update a large BufferGeometry?

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-上瘾入骨i 2020-12-05 05:55

I\'m using a BufferGeometry to draw thousands of cubes which makes up the terrain, but having a hard time finding out how to update the geometry if I need to change the posi

  • 2020-12-05 06:24

    I had the same problem with a very large BufferGeometry when updating a few vertices in it.

    A solution is to use _gl.bufferSubData instead of _gl.bufferData to update just a part of the buffer. (Three js uses only _gl.bufferData).

    So if you update the positions you will do:

    // Create a view of the data to update from index offsetSub to offsetSubEnd

    var view = geometry.attributes.position.array.subarray(offsetSub, offsetSubEnd);

    // Bind the buffer for positions (get the gl context with webglrenderer)

    _gl.bindBuffer(_gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, geometry.attributes.position.buffer);

    // Insert the new values at good index in gpu buffer (offsetGeometry is in byte)

    _gl.bufferSubData(_gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, offsetGeometry,view);

    Note that this solution can be slower if you change a large part of the buffer vertices compared to _gl.bufferData.

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  • 2020-12-05 06:48

    As of r71 threejs supports bufferSubData.

    Use a DynamicBufferAttribute, (or just set updateRange correctly)

    var positionAttr = geometry.attributes.position 
    // if not using DynamicBufferAttribute initialize updateRange:
    // positionAttr.updateRange = {};
    positionAttr.updateRange.offset = 0; // where to start updating
    positionAttr.updateRange.count = 1; // how many vertices to update
    positionAttr.needsUpdate = true;
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