I want to handle pagination in Retrofit using rxjava Observable. I followed the advice from another question.
I have more than 100 pages that needs to be fetched, b
So, given I answered the original question you referenced I should probably try to answer this case as well. :)
This is another valid (and potentially simpler) alternative to my original paging answer, now that I've developed a few more Rx tricks in my arsenal. :) (Done in java8 lambda-style pseudocode):
// Get each page in order.
.concatMap(page -> getResults(page))
// Take every result up to and including the one where the next page index is null.
.takeUntil(result -> result.next == null)
// Add each output to a list builder. I'm using Guava's ImmutableList, but you could
// just as easily use a regular ArrayList and avoid having to map afterwards. I just
// personally prefer outputting an immutable data structure, and using the builder
// is natural for this.
// Also, if you wanted to have the observable stream the full output at each page,
// you could use collect instead of reduce. Note it has a slightly different syntax.
(builder, response) -> builder.addAll(response.results))
// Convert list builder to one List<ResponseObject> of all the things.
.map(builder -> builder.build())
.subscribe(results -> { /* Do something with results. */ });