I am generating thumbnails and medium sized images from large photos. These smaller photos are for display in an online gallery. Many of the photographers are submitting J
You can use the ImageMagic -profile
convert image.jpg -profile <adobe.icc> -profile <sRGB.icc> new_image.jpg
See here for more details: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/formats/#color_profile.
Re-exporting the image using Krita seems to work well enough for me:
krita my_img.jpg --export --export-filename my_img_in_srgb.jpg
Krita is an open source Photoshop/Paint, with a(n extremely limited) command line interface. Install it with
sudo apt install krita
Have you tried using Little CMS? This command will convert an image with a special color profile (i.e. Adobe RGB 1998) to one with no color profile but the same effective colors:
jpgicc -q100 input.jpg output.jpg
I'm setting JPEG quality to 100 here.
The following thread in the ImageMagick forum discusses exactly this in some detail: http://www.imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=16464
I now use this bash script to convert any picture (including CMYK) to sRGB: http://alma.ch/scripts/any2srgb
It requires icc profiles for images which don't have embedded profiles. These can be found easily on the web. For example on Adobe's site: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/search/index.cfm?term=icc+profile&siteSection=support%3Adownloads
Here is a summary (untested) of what the full script does (without it's resize and other options). It requires profiles and ImageMagick. On Debian-based systems: apt-get install icc-profiles imagemagick
# extract possible color profile
convert "$f" "icc:$profile" 2>/dev/null
if cmp -s "$profile" "$srgb" ; then
# embedded profile is already srgb. Nothing to do
if [ -s "$profile" ]; then
# we have an embedded profile, so ImageMagick will use that anyway
convert "$f" -profile "$srgb" +profile '*' "$outfile"
# no embedded profile in source
if identify -format "%r" "$f" | grep -q CMYK; then
# CMYK file without embedded profile
convert "$f" -profile "$cmyk" -profile "$srgb" "$outfile"