Get Visual Studio to run a T4 Template on every build

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余生分开走 2020-11-22 08:29

How do I get a T4 template to generate its output on every build? As it is now, it only regenerates it when I make a change to the template.

I have found other ques

  • 2020-11-22 09:17

    Expanding on Seth Reno and JoelFan's answers, I came up with this. With this solution don't need to remember to modify the pre-build event every time you add a new .tt file to the project.

    Implementation Procedure

    • Create a batch file named transform_all.bat (see below)
    • Create a pre-build event transform_all.bat "$(ProjectDir)" $(ProjectExt) for each project with a .tt you want to build


    @echo off
    :: set the correct path to the the app
    if not defined ProgramFiles(x86). (
      echo 32-bit OS detected
      set ttPath=%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\TextTemplating\1.2\
    ) else (
      echo 64-bit OS detected
      set ttPath=%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Shared\TextTemplating\1.2\
    :: set the working dir (default to current dir)
    if not (%1)==() pushd %~dp1
    :: set the file extension (default to vb)
    set ext=%2
    if /i %ext:~1%==vbproj (
      set ext=vb
    ) else if /i %ext:~1%==csproj (
      set ext=cs
    ) else if /i [%ext%]==[] (
      set ext=vb
    :: create a list of all the T4 templates in the working dir
    echo Running TextTransform from %cd%
    dir *.tt /b /s | findstr /vi obj > t4list.txt
    :: transform all the templates
    set blank=.
    for /f "delims=" %%d in (t4list.txt) do (
      set file_name=%%d
      set file_name=!file_name:~0,-3!.%ext%
      echo:  \--^> !!file_name:%cd%=%blank%!
      "%ttPath%TextTransform.exe" -out "!file_name!" "%%d"
    :: delete T4 list and return to previous directory
    del t4list.txt
    echo T4 transformation complete


    1. The text transformation assumes the code in the T4 template is the same language as your project type. If this case does not apply to you, then you will have to replace the $(ProjectExt) argument with the extension of the files you want the code generate.

    2. .TT files must be in the project directory else they won't build. You can build TT files outside the project directory by specifying a different path as the first argument (i.e. replace "$(ProjectDir)" with the path containing the TT files.)

    3. Remember also to set the correct path to the transform_all.bat batch file.
      For example, I placed it in my solution directory so the pre-build event was as follows "$(SolutionDir)transform_all.bat" "$(ProjectDir)" $(ProjectExt)

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  • 2020-11-22 09:17

    You just need to add this command to the pre-build event of the project:

    if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug $(MSBuildToolsPath)\Msbuild.exe  /p:CustomBeforeMicrosoftCSharpTargets="$(ProgramFiles)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\TextTemplating\Microsoft.TextTemplating.targets"  $(ProjectPath) /t:TransformAll 

    The check on configuration = debug, makes sure that you don't regenerate the code in the release mode, when you do the build on the TFS build server for instance.

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  • 2020-11-22 09:20

    Here is my solution - similar to the accepted answer. We had a problem with our source control. The target .cs files are read-only and the T4 was failing. Here is the code, that runs T4 in temp folder, compares target files, and copies it only in case of same change. It does not fix the problem with read.only files, but at least it does not occur very often:


    ECHO Transforming T4 templates
    SET CurrentDirBackup=%CD%
    CD %1
    ECHO %1
    FOR /r %%f IN (*.tt) DO call :Transform %%f
    CD %CurrentDirBackup%
    ECHO T4 templates transformed
    goto End
    set ttFile=%1
    set csFile=%1
    ECHO Transforming %ttFile%:
    SET csFile=%ttFile:~0,-2%cs
    For %%A in ("%ttFile%") do Set tempTT=%TEMP%\%%~nxA
    For %%A in ("%csFile%") do Set tempCS=%TEMP%\%%~nxA
    copy "%ttFile%" "%tempTT%
    "%COMMONPROGRAMFILES(x86)%\microsoft shared\TextTemplating\11.0\TextTransform.exe"  "%tempTT%"
    fc %tempCS% %csFile% > nul
    if errorlevel 1 (
     :: You can try to insert you check-out command here.
     "%COMMONPROGRAMFILES(x86)%\microsoft shared\TextTemplating\11.0\TextTransform.exe"  "%ttFile%"
    ) ELSE (
     ECHO  no change in %csFile%
    del %tempTT%
    del %tempCS%
    goto :eof

    You can try to add your check-out command on a line (:: You can try ....)

    In your project set this as a prebuild action:

    Path-To-Transform.bat "$(ProjectDir)"
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  • 2020-11-22 09:22

    Dynamo.AutoTT will do what you need. You can configure it to watch files via a regex or generate on build. It also allows you to specify which T4 templates you want it to trigger.

    You can download it from here :

    Just build it, copy the dll and AddIn files into

    C:\Users\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Addins\

    and away you go.

    If you want to get it going in VS2012 you will need to modify the a Dynamo.AutoTT.AddIn file and set the Version to 11.0 inside the AddIn file;

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