Store JSON directly in bash script with variables?

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-05 05:29

I\'m going to preface by saying that \"no, find a different way to do it\" is an acceptable answer here.

Is there a reliable way to store a short bit of JSON in a b

  • 2020-12-05 05:54

    You could use a here-doc:

    foo=$(cat <<EOF
    {"Comment":"Update DNSName.","Changes":[{"Action":"UPSERT","ResourceRecordSet":{"Name":"alex.","Type":"A","AliasTarget":{"HostedZoneId":"######","DNSName":"$bar","EvaluateTargetHealth":false}}}]}

    By leaving EOF in the first line unquoted, the contents of the here-doc will be subject to parameter expansion, so your $bar expands to whatever you put in there.

    If you can have linebreaks in your JSON, you can make it a little more readable:

    foo=$(cat <<EOF
      "Comment": "Update DNSName.",
      "Changes": [
          "Action": "UPSERT",
          "ResourceRecordSet": {
            "Name": "alex.",
            "Type": "A",
            "AliasTarget": {
              "HostedZoneId": "######",
              "DNSName": "$bar",
              "EvaluateTargetHealth": false

    or even (first indent on each line must be a tab)

    foo=$(cat <<-EOF
          "Comment": "Update DNSName.",
          "Changes": [
              "Action": "UPSERT",
              "ResourceRecordSet": {
                "Name": "alex.",
                "Type": "A",
                "AliasTarget": {
                  "HostedZoneId": "######",
                  "DNSName": "$bar",
                  "EvaluateTargetHealth": false

    and to show how that is stored, including quoting (assuming that bar=baz):

    $ declare -p foo
    declare -- foo="{
      \"Comment\": \"Update DNSName.\",
      \"Changes\": [
          \"Action\": \"UPSERT\",
          \"ResourceRecordSet\": {
            \"Name\": \"alex.\",
            \"Type\": \"A\",
            \"AliasTarget\": {
              \"HostedZoneId\": \"######\",
              \"DNSName\": \"baz\",
              \"EvaluateTargetHealth\": false

    Because this expands some shell metacharacters, you could run into trouble if your JSON contains something like `, so alternatively, you could assign directly, but be careful about quoting around $bar:

    foo='{"Comment":"Update DNSName.","Changes":[{"Action":"UPSERT","ResourceRecordSet":{"Name":"alex.","Type":"A","AliasTarget":{"HostedZoneId":"######","DNSName":"'"$bar"'","EvaluateTargetHealth":false}}}]}'

    Notice the quoting for $bar: it's

    │││    │││
    │││    ││└ literal double quote
    │││    │└ opening syntactical single quote
    │││    └ closing syntactical double quote
    ││└ opening syntactical double quote
    │└ closing syntactical single quote
    └ literal double quote
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-05 05:56

    It can be stored safely; generating it is a different matter, since the contents of $bar may need to be encoded. Let a tool like jq handle creating the JSON.

    var=$(jq -n --arg b "$bar" '{
      Comment: "Update DNSName.",
      Changes: [
          Action: "UPSERT",
          ResourceRecordSet: {
            Name: "alex.",
            Type: "A",
            AliasTarget: {
              HostedZoneId: "######",
              DNSName: $b,
              EvaluateTargetHealth: false
    0 讨论(0)