I\'m trying to upload a dataframe to a SQL Server table, I tried breaking it down to a simple SQL query string..
con <- odbcDriverConnect(\
Since insert INTO
is limited to 1000 rows, you can dbBulkCopy
from rsqlserver package.
is a DBI extension that interfaces the Microsoft SQL Server popular command-line utility named bcp to quickly bulk copying large files into table. For example:
url = "Server=localhost;Database=TEST_RSQLSERVER;Trusted_Connection=True;"
conn <- dbConnect('SqlServer',url=url)
## I assume the table already exist
[edited] Perhaps pasting the names(df)
would solve the scaling problem:
values <- paste( " df[ , c(",
paste( names(df),collapse=",") ,
")] ", collapse="" )
#[1] " df[ , c( a,b,c )] "
You say your code is "working".. I would also have thought one would use sqlSave rather than sqlQuery if one wanted to "upload".
I would have guessed this would be more likely to do what you described:
sqlSave(con, df, tablename = "MyTable")
This worked for me and I found it to be simpler.
con <- dbConnect(odbc(),
Driver = "SQL Server",
Server = "ServerName",
Database = "DBName",
UID = "UserName",
PWD = "Password")
dbWriteTable(conn = con,
name = "TableName",
value = x) ## x is any data frame