I\'ve written part of a web application in Angular. To ensure that all routes are covered, I wanted to add a redirectTo
property to the $routeProvider
The above solution with /404 does not work for me. This however seems to work
controller : function(){
template : "<div></div>"
PS. I am using Angular 1.2.10
You could do something like this:
$routeProvider.when('/404', {
controller: ['$location', function($location){
redirectTo: '/404'
It is essentially the same thing, only it uses less code.
Not sure what version of Angular JS the accepted answer was written on, but 'redirectTo' property takes in a function. So, why not do something simpler like this:
redirectTo: function() {
window.location = "/404.html";
Obviously, you have to create your own 404.html. Or wherever your 404 page is.
Hi even though it's been two years, just for some one who search for this answer, simply use window.location.assign('/login'). It's work for me.
None of the answers including the marked answer worked for me. I believe my solution solves your problem as well and I'd share my use-case as well for future readers' reference.
Issue with using the route controller method: When the controller is loaded the routing already have accessed the History API states for me (I use HTML5 mode, not sure whether this affects non-HTML5 mode).
As a result, even though I can forward people to the correct page using window.location.replace('/');, if the user then clicks Back on their browser, it goes to invalid state.
Scenario: We implement multi-page model and I have my admin page module separate from my homepage (non-admin) modules. I have a $location.path('/') somewhere in one of my admin controller, but since homepage isn't packaged into the admin page module, I want to force full page reload when I detect the '/' route.
Solution: We have to intercept at the $routeChangeStart before ngRoute accesses any of the state info. This way we can even specify external href by passing url to redirectTo param in the $route
.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
.when('/admin/default', {template: somePageTemplate})
* More admin-related routes here...
.when('/',{redirectTo:'/homepage'}) // <-- We want to intercept this
.otherwise({redirectTo: '/admin/default'});
.controller('MainCtrl',[ // <- Use this controller outside of the ng-view!
$rootScope.$on("$routeChangeStart", function (event, next, current) {
// next <- might not be set when first load
// next.$$route <- might not be set when routed through 'otherwise'
// You can use regex to match if you have more complexed path...
if (next && next.$$route && next.$$route.originalPath === '/') {
// Stops the ngRoute to proceed
// We have to do it async so that the route callback
// can be cleanly completed first, so $timeout works too
$rootScope.$evalAsync(function() {
// next.$$route.redirectTo would equal be '/homepage'
$window.location.href = next.$$route.redirectTo;
Please provide any feedback as I will be using this code myself. Cheers
Reference: https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/9607