I have successfully installed nodejs, and express framework, however I downloaded bower via
npm install -g bower
which ran successfully.
should exist in PATH for both "User Variables" and "System Variables"
Check bower is installed successfully:
bower version -v If bower version showed then go to step 3, else execute:
npm install -g bower to install bower
using CD command to navigate to folder that has bower.json file then run
bower install DONE.
I resolved the issue my changing access rights of node.js folder. I gave Read-Write access to the file and issue resolved. node.js file path: C:\Program Files\nodejs
Check were your cmd prompt/bash is located when you have successfully commanded "npm install"
Look for the any of the following. -bower.cmd - windows command script -bower - file you can do a quick search in the directory.
if you find it, copy the path to the file. "I found mine in the directory where I successfully performed npm install" + node_modules.bin" - "D:\Work\notepadplusplus\htdocs\laravel-main\angulartest\public\fed\node_modules.bin"
Then do these
There is no specific path since we all have different structure of our directories. The only precise thing here is to find the bower.cmd location and that will be used to the Path to your windows environment.
Add the directory of bower to the PATH environment variable. Avoid having any space between directories:
C:\Program Files\nodejs;C:\Users\W\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\bower\bin;C:\Users\W\AppData\Roaming\npm
To me it helped to remove the user variable and write the PATH environment variable in the System variables.
Installing Bower Windows:
npm install -g bower
to verify that it works. DONE.