I\'m looking for a way to convert numbers to string format, dropping any redundant \'.0\'
The input data is a mix of floats and strings. Desired output:
If you only care about 1 decimal place of precision (as in your examples), you can just do:
("%.1f" % i).replace(".0", "")
This will convert the number to a string with 1 decimal place and then remove it if it is a zero:
>>> ("%.1f" % 0).replace(".0", "")
>>> ("%.1f" % 0.0).replace(".0", "")
>>> ("%.1f" % 0.1).replace(".0", "")
>>> ("%.1f" % 1.0).replace(".0", "")
>>> ("%.1f" % 3000.0).replace(".0", "")
>>> ("%.1f" % 1.0000001).replace(".0", "")
FWIW, with Jinja2 where var = 10.3
{{ var|round|int }}
will emit integer 10
and round(method='ceil')
are also available.
So that were var2 = 10.9
{{ var|round(method='floor')|int }}
will still emit integer 10
Precision can also be controlled using a keyword argument precision=0
of the round
ref: http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/dev/templates/#round
Us the 0 prcision and add a period if you want one. EG "%.0f."
>>> print "%.0f."%1.0
See PEP 3101:
'g' - General format. This prints the number as a fixed-point number, unless the number is too large, in which case it switches to 'e' exponent notation.
Old style (not preferred):
>>> "%g" % float(10)
New style:
>>> '{0:g}'.format(float(21))
New style 3.6+:
>>> f'{float(21):g}'
doesn't do what you want it to do, it strips any of the characters you give it and not a suffix:
>>> '30000.0'.rstrip('.0')
Actually, just '%g' % i
will do what you want.
EDIT: as Robert pointed out in his comment this won't work for large numbers since it uses the default precision of %g which is 6 significant digits.
Since str(i)
uses 12 significant digits, I think this will work:
>>> numbers = [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.1, 123456.7 ]
>>> ['%.12g' % n for n in numbers]
['1', '0', '0.1', '123456.7']
(str(i)[-2:] == '.0' and str(i)[:-2] or str(i) for i in ...)