I\'m new to JavaScript and to node.js. I want to loop through a directory and add all file stat (not other directories) to an array. As you see below there is a problem with
Alternatively use the new threads module ( https://github.com/robtweed/Q-Oper8 ) and then you can do all this stuff much more simply using standard synchronous coding within the threads child processes, since they only deal with one user's request at a time.
Goodbye to async logic and nested callbacks!
One way is to rewrite the innards of the loop to use a closure:
fs.readdir(SYNCDIR, function(err1, files) {
var filesOnly = [];
if(!err1) {
for(var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
(function(index) {
var imgFilePath = SYNCDIR + '/' + files[index];
fs.stat(imgFilePath, function(stat){
if (stat.isFile()){
filesOnly[index] = stat;
A better looking example, achieving the same, using Array.prototype.forEach:
fs.readdir(SYNCDIR, function(err1, files) {
var filesOnly = [];
if(!err1) {
files.forEach(function(file, i) {
var imgFilePath = SYNCDIR + '/' + file;
fs.stat(imgFilePath, function(stat){
if (stat.isFile()){
filesOnly[i] = stat;
You are right about needing to use a closure. You should wrap the contents of the for
loop in a self-invoking function to preserve the value of i
for each iteration.
fs.readdir(SYNCDIR, function(err1, files) {
var filesOnly = [];
if(!err1) {
for(var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
(function(i) {
var imgFilePath = SYNCDIR + '/' + files[i];
fs.stat(imgFilePath, function(stat){
if (stat.isFile()){
filesOnly[i] = stat;