Some of the projects we\'re working on have strong roots in jQuery 1.4.2 or earlier, and somewhere between lacking the performance edge (or syntactic sugar) of the latest re
The Twitter guys have solved this problem quite nicely.
It does what it says on the tin - it is a package manager for the web (and that includes keeping JS files like JQuery up to date)
In this era we cannot be predictable about the stability of the any software versions. Few years Before the versions of software and services releases after a year or two year. But at this time the versions of the services are updating rapidly and frequently.
So if you are using any service with your service you have to use Agile Development. By this development method you can easily make changes in the new requirements and change the required methods according to you.
And please don't use depreciated methods because they are not suitable for long-time service versions. And make libraries of the used services of library of your own service function that are using other services so that you can easily change them according to your new version.
For example : like you have a method name update_var();
it is calling a another method of other service like $a = newlib::check_update();
. Then by creating libraries you have to change the main library of the function of your and the core library of the involved service
You will always be outdated. Once you are done updating to the latest version, a newer one will come out a few months later.
Unless you are willing to put hours/days/weeks of development, testing and bugfixing, with the possibility of breaking user-facing functionality, you shouldn't be updating just to use the newest way of declaring event handlers. It won't hurt you. And normally this is a risky thing to do. This translates into dev team costs. You already know this. Refactoring, especially when there is no evident risk for the project, is in general hard to justify to managers. And you should double check your thoughts to be sure if having the new jQuery in code that is already working will make any difference.
Now, if you are working on creating new pages in an existing site, you could be including a new version in those areas. But, this will have a consequence: lets assume that you and your team, apart from developing the new part of the site, also have to maintain the part that is using the old one. Everybody will need to be aware of the specific version of jQuery they are writing their code against.
So, to close, I would say something like this. Unless there is real justifiable risk for the project to be delayed or to be technically blocked because of an older jQuery version, you are going to be getting into trouble for breaking something that is already working and will need to put extra hours just to make everything work as well as it was working before.
Anyway, this approach doesn't mean that you could start separating the 'new sections' from the old ones, and using the newest libraries in the new areas.
This is worth looking into:
This plugin can be used to detect and restore APIs or features that have been deprecated in jQuery and removed as of version 1.9. See the warnings page for more information regarding messages the plugin generates. For more information about the changes made in jQuery 1.9, see the upgrade guide and blog post.
In order to keep up to date in your development tree, I recommend using src=""
(the full un-minified version which allows for easier debugging)
Then when you go to publish, just replace it with the specific minified version that is in the header comment (currently This has the bonus of allowing better client side caching and using someone else's bandwidth.
If caching is less of a concern than ensuring that it will automatically get bugfixes for that minor version release, you can use just the major and minor version such as: (Note: google doesn't yet have the 1.9 series up; however the 1.8 series is up to 1.8.3) Since these get updated periodically for bug fix releases they don't get cached like the version specific releases
To actually answer your three questions, here are some things I've done or at least recommend:
Best practices for a smooth upgrade rollout
).How to integrate upgrades into normal workflow
Reasonable upgrade schedule
That's essentially a CBA/risk management question. You'll have to weigh some things:
Of course this is just my advice. There are a few recurring themes in it, and I hope they are clear. In any case, I hope someone finds this helpful!