I have a large dataset in data.table that I\'d like to subset by a date range. My data set looks like this:
testset <- data.table(date=as.Date(c(\"2013-07
Why not:
testset[date>="2013-08-02" & date<="2013-11-01"]
You mentioned that you are subsetting, but its not clear whether you are using the subset fn in R.
Type ?subset into the R console to see the details of the subset() function in R which 'returns a subset of vectors, matrices or data frames which meet conditions'. Then use part of the method that Troy posted above to choose the date range
thisYear <- subset(testset, date > "2015-01-01" & date < "2015-12-31")
See also:
Works like this:
testset[date %between% c("2013-08-02", "2013-11-01")]