I have an issue with getting select sub-queries to work on an UPDATE
. I\'m trying something like the following:
SET bar=bar-1
From this web article
The reason for this error is that MySQL doesn’t allow updates to a table when you are also using that same table in an inner select as your update criteria. The article goes on to provide a solution, which is to use a temporary table.
Using this example, your update should be this:
update foo
set bar = bar - 1
where baz in
select baz from
select baz
from foo
where fooID = '1'
) as arbitraryTableName
Because of error 1093 Error 1093 (ER_UPDATE_TABLE_USED) SQLSTATE = HY000. The work around is to create a temporary table.
CREATE TEMPORARY table foo_bak (SELECT baz from foo WHERE fooID='1');
SET foo.bar=foo.bar-1
WHERE foo.baz =
FROM foo_bak
DROP TABLE foo_bak;
So far as I know, when updating a table, Mysql locks it in order to do a safe update. You cannot select data and update the same table as you're trying.
Those texts should help you
In some cases you can also take advantage of the MySQL variable. e.g.:
SET @id1 = (SELECT id FROM foo WHERE name = 'parent');
UPDATE foo SET parent_id = @id1 WHERE name = 'emails';