In my MongoDB, I have a student collection with 10 records having fields name
and roll
. One record of this collection is:
Just for educational purposes you could also do it with any of the following ways:
var query = {"roll": {$gt: 70};
var cursor = db.student.find(query);
cursor.project({"roll":1, "_id":0});
var query = {"roll": {$gt: 70};
var projection = {"roll":1, "_id":0};
var cursor = db.student.find(query,projection);
db.student.find({}, {"roll":1, "_id":0})
This is equivalent to -
Select roll from student
db.student.find({}, {"roll":1, "name":1, "_id":0})
This is equivalent to -
Select roll, name from student
If u want to retrieve the field "roll" only for all 10 records in the collections. Then try this.
In MongoDb :
db.students.find( { } , { " roll " : { " $roll " })
In Sql :
select roll from students
Use the Query like this in the shell:
1. Use database_name
e.g: use database_name
2. Which returns only assets particular field information when matched , _id:0
specifies not to display ID in the result
db.collection_name.find( { "Search_Field": "value" },
{ "Field_to_display": 1,_id:0 } )
I just want to add to the answers that if you want to display a field that is nested in another object, you can use the following syntax
db.collection.find( {}, {{'object.key': true}})
Here key is present inside the object named object
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d2ef0702385"), "object" : { "key" : "value" } }
get all data from table
SELECT * FROM student
get all data from table without _id
db.student.find({}, {_id:0})
SELECT name, roll FROM student
get all data from one field with _id
db.student.find({}, {roll:1})
SELECT id, roll FROM student
get all data from one field without _id
db.student.find({}, {roll:1, _id:0})
SELECT roll FROM student
find specified data using where clause
db.student.find({roll: 80})
SELECT * FROM students WHERE roll = '80'
find a data using where clause and greater than condition
db.student.find({ "roll": { $gt: 70 }}) // $gt is greater than
SELECT * FROM student WHERE roll > '70'
find a data using where clause and greater than or equal to condition
db.student.find({ "roll": { $gte: 70 }}) // $gte is greater than or equal
SELECT * FROM student WHERE roll >= '70'
find a data using where clause and less than or equal to condition
db.student.find({ "roll": { $lte: 70 }}) // $lte is less than or equal
SELECT * FROM student WHERE roll <= '70'
find a data using where clause and less than to condition
db.student.find({ "roll": { $lt: 70 }}) // $lt is less than
SELECT * FROM student WHERE roll < '70'