Just curious
$files = glob(cacheme_directory().\"*\");
foreach($files as $file)
$filemtime=filemtime ($file);
I reckon this is much tidier and easier to read and modify.
$expire = strtotime('-7 DAYS');
$files = glob($path . '/*');
foreach ($files as $file) {
// Skip anything that is not a file
if (!is_file($file)) {
// Skip any files that have not expired
if (filemtime($file) > $expire) {
You should add an is_file() check, because PHP normally lists . and .., as well as sub-directories that could reside in the the directory you're checking.
Also, as this answer suggests, you should replace the pre-calculated seconds with a more expressive notation.
$files = glob(cacheme_directory()."*");
$now = time();
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (is_file($file)) {
if ($now - filemtime($file) >= 60 * 60 * 24 * 2) { // 2 days
Alternatively you could also use the DirectoryIterator
, as shown in this answer. In this simple case it doesn't really offer any advantages, but it would be OOP way.
Here is an example of how to do it recursively.
function remove_files_from_dir_older_than_x_seconds($dir,$seconds = 3600) {
$files = glob(rtrim($dir, '/')."/*");
$now = time();
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (is_file($file)) {
if ($now - filemtime($file) >= $seconds) {
echo "removed $file<br>".PHP_EOL;
} else {
remove_files_from_dir_older_than_x_seconds(dirname(__file__).'/cache/', (60 * 60 * 24 * 1) ); // 1 day
Another simplier and more modern way, using FilesystemIterator.
I'm using 'logs' directory as an example.
$fileSystemIterator = new FilesystemIterator('logs');
$now = time();
foreach ($fileSystemIterator as $file) {
if ($now - $file->getCTime() >= 60 * 60 * 24 * 2) // 2 days
Main advantage is: DirectoryIterator returns virtual directories "." and ".." in a loop. But FilesystemIterator ignores them.
The easiest way is by using DirectoryIterator:
if (file_exists($folderName)) {
foreach (new DirectoryIterator($folderName) as $fileInfo) {
if ($fileInfo->isDot()) {
if ($fileInfo->isFile() && time() - $fileInfo->getCTime() >= 2*24*60*60) {
/** It deletes old files.
* @param string $dir Directory
* @param int $secs Files older than $secs seconds
* @param string $pattern Files matching $pattern
function delete_oldfiles($dir,$secs,$pattern = "/*")
$now = time();
foreach(glob("$dir$pattern") as $f) {
if (is_file($f) && ($now - filemtime($f) > $secs)) unlink($f);