I started getting this message. No matter what I edit and try to commit, it says there is nothing to commit. Looks like git does not see my working directory and looking som
This must have happened because by mistake you reinitialized git in the same directory. Delete the .git folder using the following command Go to repository you want to upload open the terminal and then use the following commands
sudo rm -r .git
git init
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin https://github.com/user_name/repo
git push -u origin master
After that enter the username and password and you are good to goI had the same issue. The branch I was working on wasn't being tracked. The fix was:
git push orgin
This fixed it temporarily. To make the changes pertinently I:
git config push.default tracking
if .git is already there in your dir, then follow:
rm -rf .git/
git init
git remote add origin http://xyzremotedir/xyzgitproject.git
git commit -m "do commit"
git push origin master
On branch master Problem it is committed already nothing to commit (working directory clean) if faced this problem then just only use the following command
git push -u origin master
git reset
git add .
git commit -m "your commit message"
git push -u origin master