I started getting this message. No matter what I edit and try to commit, it says there is nothing to commit. Looks like git does not see my working directory and looking som
In my case I had previously initialized a git directory where I was trying to create a new one. I just deleted all the old files and started from scratch.
try removing the origin first before adding it again
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin https://github.com/abc/xyz.git
Check the location whether it's the right location of the git project.
I have faced the same issue with git while working with angular CLI 6.1.2. Angular CLI 6.1.2 automatically initializes .git folder when you create a new angular project using Angular CLI. So when I tried git status - it was not detecting the whole working directory.
I have just deleted the hidden .git folder from my angular working directory and then initialized git repository again with git init. And now, I can see all my files with git status.
Encountered this while using SourceTree, fixed it by
Worked like a charm.
Go to your workspace folder
Now it will show what all the files can be committed.