Is it possible to play more than one video the same time / on the same screen with iOS?
(E.g. Picture-in-Picture mode or split screen.)
Step by step and full source code on how to do this:
You can't using MPMoviePlayerController. The documentation states that clearly..
Although you can create multiple MPMoviePlayerController objects and present their views in your interface, only one movie player at a time can play its movie.
But I think you can do this with lower level AVFoundation framework..But I never tried it..See this
To update the answers up today's SDKs, with the SDK for iOS 5 (and probably back to 4) you can use AVFoundation to play video in an AVPlayerLayer and add a number of layers to a view. I've confirmed that three separate WQVGA h.264 video streams can play on the same view at the same time under both iOS 4.3.5 on an iPhone 3GS and iOS 5.0 on an iPhone 4S.