I have a table of student scorecard. here is the table,
subject | mark1 | mark2 | mark3 |......|markn
stud1 | 99 | 87 | 92 | | 46
SELECT student, (SUM(mark1)+SUM(mark2)+SUM(mark3)....+SUM(markn)) AS Total
FROM your_table
GROUP BY student
The short answer is there's no great way to do this given the design you have. Here's a related question on the topic: Sum values of a single row?
If you normalized your schema and created a separate table called "Marks" which had a subject_id and a mark column this would allow you to take advantage of the SUM function as intended by a relational model.
Then your query would be
SELECT subject, SUM(mark) total
FROM Subjects s
INNER JOIN Marks m ON m.subject_id = s.id
Another way of doing this is by generating the select query. Play with this fiddle.
SELECT CONCAT('SELECT ', group_concat(`COLUMN_NAME` SEPARATOR '+'), ' FROM scorecard')
WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA` = (select database())
AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'scorecard'
The query above will generate another query that will do the selecting for you.
Sample result:
SELECT mark1+mark2+mark3 FROM scorecard
You won't have to manually add all the columns anymore.
If any of your markn
columns are "AllowNull" then you will need to do a little extra to insure the correct result is returned, this is because 1 NULL value will result in a NULL total.
This is what i would consider to be the correct answer.
SUM(IFNULL(`mark1`, 0) + IFNULL(`mark2`, 0) + IFNULL(`mark3`, 0)) AS `total_marks`
IFNULL will return the 2nd parameter if the 1st is NULL. COALESCE could be used but i prefer to only use it if it is required. See What is the difference bewteen ifnull and coalesce in mysql?
SUM-ing the entire calculation is tidier than SUM-ing each column individually.
SELECT `student`, SUM(IFNULL(`mark1`, 0) + IFNULL(`mark2`, 0) + IFNULL(`mark3`, 0)) AS `total_marks`
FROM student_scorecard
GROUP BY `student`
SELECT student, SUM(mark1+mark2+mark3+....+markn) AS Total FROM your_table
You could change the database structure such that all subject rows become a column variable (like spreadsheet). This makes such analysis much easier