Before I start executing the tests in my Python project, I read some environment variables and set some variables with these values read. My tests will run on the desired en
I finally found the answer i was looking for.
we can set the environment variables like this before running tests using py.test
ENV_NAME='staging' ENV_NUMBER='5' py.test
There are few ways you can achieve this
If you dont want to use the environment variable , you can use pytest addoptions as
You can write a wrapper script like this to call enviornment variables
import os
import py
env_name = os.environ["ENV_NAME"]
env_no = os.environ["ENV_NUMBER"]
pytest.main('-s' ,pytest_args,
in you can use
env_n, env_n = pytest.config.getoption('pytest_args')
on command line you can use it as
py.test --testdata ="ENV_NAME:staging,ENV_NUMBER:5"
You can use in your test file
pytest_params = pytest.config.getoption('testdata')
params = pytest_params.split(":")
param_dict = dict(params[i:i+2] for i in range(0,len(params),2))
env_name = param_dict["ENV_Name"]