Regex - check if input still has chances to become matching

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天命终不由人 2020-12-05 00:51

We\'ve got such regexp:

var regexp = /^one (two)+ three/;

So only string like \"one two three\" or \"one two three four\

  • 2020-12-05 01:22

    This is a regex feature known as partial matching, it's available in several regex engines such as PCRE, Boost, Java but not in JavaScript.

    Andacious's answer shows a very nice way to overcome this limitation, we just need to automate this.

    Well... challenge accepted :)

    Fortunately, JavaScript has a very limited regex feature set with a simple syntax, so I wrote a simple parser and on-the-fly transformation for this task, based on the features listed on MDN. This code has been updated to handle ES2018 features.

    A couple points of interest:

    • This produces a regex which will almost always match the empty string. Therefore a failed partial match occurs when the result of exec is null or an array whose first element is the empty string
    • Negative lookaheads are kept as-is. I believe that's the right thing to do. The only ways to fail a match is through them (ie put a (?!) in the regex) and anchors (^ and $). Lookbehinds (both positive and negative) are also kept as-is.
    • The parser assumes a valid input pattern: you can't create a RegExp object from an invalid pattern in the first place. This may break in the future if new regex features are introduced.
    • This code won't handle backreferences properly: ^(\w+)\s+\1$ won't yield a partial match against hello hel for instance.

    RegExp.prototype.toPartialMatchRegex = function() {
        "use strict";
        var re = this,
            source = this.source,
            i = 0;
        function process () {
            var result = "",
            function appendRaw(nbChars) {
                result += source.substr(i, nbChars);
                i += nbChars;
            function appendOptional(nbChars) {
                result += "(?:" + source.substr(i, nbChars) + "|$)";
                i += nbChars;
            while (i < source.length) {
                switch (source[i])
                    case "\\":
                        switch (source[i + 1])
                            case "c":
                            case "x":
                            case "u":
                                if (re.unicode) {
                                    if (source[i + 2] === "{") {
                                        appendOptional(source.indexOf("}", i) - i + 1);
                                    } else {
                                } else {
                            case "p":
                            case "P":
                                if (re.unicode) {
                                    appendOptional(source.indexOf("}", i) - i + 1);
                                } else {
                            case "k":
                                appendOptional(source.indexOf(">", i) - i + 1);
                    case "[":
                        tmp = /\[(?:\\.|.)*?\]/g;
                        tmp.lastIndex = i;
                        tmp = tmp.exec(source);
                    case "|":
                    case "^":
                    case "$":
                    case "*":
                    case "+":
                    case "?":
                    case "{":
                        tmp = /\{\d+,?\d*\}/g;
                        tmp.lastIndex = i;
                        tmp = tmp.exec(source);
                        if (tmp) {
                        } else {
                    case "(":
                        if (source[i + 1] == "?") {
                            switch (source[i + 2])
                                case ":":
                                    result += "(?:";
                                    i += 3;
                                    result += process() + "|$)";
                                case "=":
                                    result += "(?=";
                                    i += 3;
                                    result += process() + ")";
                                case "!":
                                    tmp = i;
                                    i += 3;
                                    result += source.substr(tmp, i - tmp);
                                case "<":
                                    switch (source[i + 3])
                                        case "=":
                                        case "!":
                                            tmp = i;
                                            i += 4;
                                            result += source.substr(tmp, i - tmp);
                                            appendRaw(source.indexOf(">", i) - i + 1);
                                            result += process() + "|$)";
                        } else {
                            result += process() + "|$)";
                    case ")":
                        return result;
            return result;
        return new RegExp(process(), this.flags);
    // Test code
    (function() {
        document.write('<span style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;">Regex: </span><input id="re" value="^one (two)+ three"/><br><span style="display: inline-block; width: 60px;">Input: </span><input id="txt" value="one twotw"/><br><pre id="result"></pre>');
        var run = function() {
            var output = document.getElementById("result");
                var regex = new RegExp(document.getElementById("re").value);
                var input = document.getElementById("txt").value;
                var partialMatchRegex = regex.toPartialMatchRegex();
                var result = partialMatchRegex.exec(input);
                var matchType = regex.exec(input) ? "Full match" : result && result[0] ? "Partial match" : "No match";
                output.innerText = partialMatchRegex + "\n\n" + matchType + "\n" + JSON.stringify(result);
            catch (e)
                output.innerText = e;
        document.getElementById("re").addEventListener("input", run);
        document.getElementById("txt").addEventListener("input", run);

    I tested it a little bit and it seems to work fine, let me know if you find any bugs.

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  • 2020-12-05 01:22

    Here's a simple proof of concept in a jsFiddle. You basically just loop through the proposed regex in reverse and look for the longest sub-match.

    Note: this has a known issue in that it doesn't always handle groups well. For example, it will say foo bar b doesn't match foo( bar)+ at all, when it ought to say there's still hope. This could be fixed by getting much more creative with the following line:

    temp_re = new RegExp(regex_part+'$'); // make sure this partial match ends in a piece that could still match the entire regex

    Basically, you would need to parse the partial regex to see if it ends in a group, then check recursively for partial matches against that ending group. That's rather complicated, so I'm not getting into it for purposes of my demo.

    JavaScript (using jQuery only for demo purposes):

    var strings = {
        matches: "Matches!",
        stillhope: "There's still hope...",
        mismatch: "Does not match",
        empty: "No text yet"
    // Object to handle watching for partial matches
    function PartialRegexMonitor(regex, input_id) {
        var self = this;
        this.relen = regex.length;
        $('body').on('keyup', '#'+input_id, function() {
             self.update_test_results(regex, input_id);
    PartialRegexMonitor.prototype.update_test_results = function(regex, input_id) {
        var input = $('#'+input_id).val(),
            matches = find_partial_matches(regex, input),
            span = $('#'+input_id).siblings('.results');
    // Test a partial regex against a string
    function partial_match_tester(regex_part, str) {
        var matched = false;
        try {
            var re = new RegExp(regex_part, 'g'),
                matches = str.match(re),
                match_count = matches.length,
            for(var i = 0; i < match_count; i++) {
                temp_re = new RegExp(regex_part+'$'); // make sure this partial match ends in a piece that could still match the entire regex
                matched = temp_re.test(str);
                if(matched) break;
        catch(e) {
        return matched;
    // Find the longest matching partial regex
    function find_partial_matches(regex, str) {
        var relen = regex.length,
            matched = false,
            matches = {type: 'mismatch',
                       len: 0},
            regex_part = '';
        if(str.length == 0) {
            matches.type = 'empty';
            return matches;
        for(var i=relen; i>=1; i--) {
            if(i==1 && str[0] == '^') { // don't allow matching against only '^'
            regex_part = regex.substr(0,i);
            // replace {\d}$ with {0,\d} for testing
            regex_part = regex_part.replace(/\{(\d)\}$/g, '{0,$1}');
            matched = partial_match_tester(regex_part, str);
            if(matched) {
                matches.type = (i==relen ? 'matches' : 'stillhope');
                console.log(matches.type + ": "+regex.substr(0,i)+" "+str);
                matches.len = i;
        return matches;
    // Demo
    $(function() {
        new PartialRegexMonitor('foo bar', 'input_0');
        new PartialRegexMonitor('^foo bar$', 'input_1');
        new PartialRegexMonitor('^fo+(\\s*b\\S[rz])+$', 'input_2');
        new PartialRegexMonitor('^\\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}$', 'input_3');

    HTML for the demo:

    Test against <span class="regex">foo bar</span>:<br/>
        <input type="text" id="input_0" />
        <span class="results empty">No text yet</span>
        Test against <span class="regex">^foo bar$</span>:<br/>
        <input type="text" id="input_1" />
        <span class="results empty">No text yet</span>
        Test against <span class="regex">^fo+(\s*b\S[rz])+$</span> (e.g., "foo bar", "foo baz", "foo bar baz"):<br/>
        <input type="text" id="input_2" />
        <span class="results empty">No text yet</span>
        Test against <span class="regex">^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$</span>:<br/>
        <input type="text" id="input_3" />
        <span class="results empty">No text yet</span>

    CSS for the demo

    .empty {
        background-color: #eeeeee;
    .matches {
        background-color: #ccffcc;
        font-weight: bold;
    .stillhope {
        background-color: #ccffff;
    .mismatch {
        background-color: #ffcccc;
        font-weight: bold;
    .regex {
        border-top:1px solid #999;
        border-bottom:1px solid #999;
        font-family: Courier New, monospace;
        background-color: #eee;
        color: #666;

    Sample screenshot from the demo

    enter image description here

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  • 2020-12-05 01:25

    EDIT: after you edited your post the clarify, this answer might not be relevant to your specific question. Leaving it here for reference.

    Inside the regex itself, on the subject of failing quickly once you know you won't find anything:

    The anchor in your regex means that once the regex engine reaches the h of three, it will stop looking for matches and not try to start a match on the second character. On this case, I don't think you can do better than that (but it's already linear complexity, so not so bad).

    On other cases I believe you have some usual best practices to learn in order to fail as quickly as possible when you know a match can't be found anymore.

    You can look at possessive quantifiers if you don't already know them, but there are many other tricks...

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  • 2020-12-05 01:27

    I have found a npm package with a JavaScript implementation of RegEx with incremental regular expression matching: It looks like it is worth checking out. It can report DONE, MORE, MAYBE and FAILED results for a given input.

    There is also an example implementation of an input component for React here: It uses {RXInputMask} from incr-regex-package to provide a more user input focused view of interacting with the RegEx library.

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  • 2020-12-05 01:28

    That's actually quite an interesting question.

    Personally, I'd do it with the RegExp constructor, so the query can be broken down:

    var input = "one ";
    var query = "^one two three";
    var q_len = query.length;
    var match;
    for( var i=1; i<=q_len; i++) {
        match = input.match(new RegExp(query.substr(0,i));
        if( !match) {alert("Pattern does NOT match"); break;}
        if( match[0].length == input.length) {alert("Input is promising!"); break;}
        // else continue to the next iteration

    Obviously you can handle the "exact match" case up front to avoid the whole loop thing. If the whole pattern matches the input, then you're all good.

    EDIT: I've just realised that this will not work for groups and stuff. It will fail on account of malformed regexes, but I hope it can serve as a basis for your query.

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