PHP - a DB abstraction layer use static class vs singleton object?

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小蘑菇 2020-12-05 00:54

I don\'t want to create a discussion about singleton better than static or better than global, etc. I read dozens of questions about similar subjects on SO, but I couldn\'t

  • 2020-12-05 01:05

    My advice: STOP using Singleton and static all together.

    Why? Because you will insert dependencies that will render your code unusable in other projects, and will not allow to unit test it. Also forget about loose coupling if using singleton.

    The alternatives? Dependency Injection.

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  • 2020-12-05 01:19

    What is wrong with the following (simplified) example:

    class Database
        protected $_connection;
        protected $_config;
        public function __construct( array $config ) // or other means of passing config vars
            $this->_config = $config;
        public function query( $query )
            // use lazy loading getter
            return $this->_getConnection()->query( $query );
        protected function _getConnection()
            // lazy load connection
            if( $this->_connection === null )
                $dsn = /* create valid dsn string from $this->_config */;
                    $this->_connection = new PDO( $dsn, $this->_config[ 'username' ], $this->_config[ 'password' ] );
                catch( PDOException $e )
                    /* handle failed connecting */
            return $this->_connection;
    $db1 = new Database( array(
        'driver'   => 'mysql',
        'host'     => 'localhost',
        'dbname'   => 'test',
        'username' => 'test_root',
        'password' => '**********'
    ) );
    $db2 = new Database( array(
        'driver'   => 'pgsql',
        'host'     => '',
        'dbname'   => 'otherdb',
        'username' => 'otherdb_root',
        'password' => '**********'
    ) );
    $someModel       = new SomeModel( $db1 );
    $someOtherModel  = new SomeOtherModel( $db2 );
    $yetAnotherModel = new YetAnotherModel( $db2 );

    This demonstrates how you can make use of lazy loading connections, and still have flexibility to use different database connections.

    The database instances will only connect to their individual connection when an object that consumes one of the instances (in this case one of the models) decides to call a method of the instance.

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  • 2020-12-05 01:20

    In my most recent project, I actually went against the "good" design principles by making the database class entirely static. The reason behind this is that I used a lot of caching on PHP objects. Originally I had the database passed in through the constructor of each object as a dependency injection, however I wanted to make sure that the database didn't have to connect unless absolutely necessary. Thus, using a database as a member variable of that object would not have been practical because if you unserialized an object from the cache, you wouldn't want to connect to the database unless you actually performed an operation on it.

    So in the end I had only two (public) static functions, Database::fetch() and Database::execute() which would check whether or not it had already connected, and if not, it would connect and perform the query. This way I wouldn't have to worry about deserialization and would connect as seldom as possible. It technically makes unit testing impossible though.

    You don't always have to follow every single good practice. But I would still recommend against doing what I did since some would consider it premature optimization.

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  • 2020-12-05 01:21

    Making DB library static is certainly shorter and quicker, than doing:

    $db = DBSingleton::blabla(); // everytime I need ya

    But also, since it is global, tempting to use everywhere.

    So, choose other methods if you want clean code... and choose static if you need quick code ;-)

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  • 2020-12-05 01:27
    /* Data base*/
     class Database
        /* Database field definition */
        private static $_instance; /instance
        private $_connection;
        private $DB_USER = "database_user_name_here";
        private $DB_PASS = "your_password_here";
        private $DB_NAME = "your_database_name_here";
        private $DB_SERVER = "localhost";
        /* Initiate the database connection */
        private function __construct()
            $this->_connection = new mysqli($this->DB_SERVER ,
                                            $this->DB_USER ,
                                            $this->DB_PASS ,
            /* Test if connection succeeded */
            if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
                die("Database connection failed: " .
                    mysqli_connect_error() .
                    " (" . mysqli_connect_errno() . ")"
         * Instance of the database
         * @return Database
        public static function Instance()
            if (!self::$_instance) { // If no instance then make one
                self::$_instance = new self();
            return self::$_instance;
         * Void duplicate connection
        private function __clone() { }
        /* Return a connection */
        public function getConnection()
            return $this->_connection;
    /** This is how you would use it in a different class.
      @var TYPE_NAME $connection */
    $db = Database::Instance();
    $connection = $db->getConnection();
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