I am trying to create postgres databases for development and tests.
I\'m using...
Looking at your schema your credentials for development and test are different.
Perhaps remove username and password from the schema, seeing that your test database did get created.
I have faced same issues when running rake db:test:prepare
in postgresql
on my Ruby on Rails project. This is pretty clear from the error message, that its a permission issue for the user. I added CREATEDB
permission for new_user
as following from the console.
To access postgres console:
$ sudo -u postgres -i
postgres@host:~$ psql
In there:
postgres=# ALTER USER new_user CREATEDB;
It's working perfect for now. You may have another issues with database ownership, for this you can change database privileges
and owner
as following command.
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE database_name to new_user;
postgres=# ALTER DATABASE database_name owner to new_user;