I have two columns in a datatable:
ID, Calls.
How do I find what the value of Calls is where ID = 5
5 could be anynu
I could use the following code. Thanks everyone.
int intID = 5;
DataTable Dt = MyFuctions.GetData();
Dt.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { Dt.Columns["ID"] };
DataRow Drw = Dt.Rows.Find(intID);
if (Drw != null) Dt.Rows.Remove(Drw);
You can use LINQ to DataSet/DataTable
var rows = dt.AsEnumerable()
.Where(r=> r.Field<int>("ID") == 5);
Since each row has a unique ID, you should use Single/SingleOrDefault
which would throw exception if you get multiple records back.
DataRow dr = dt.AsEnumerable()
.SingleOrDefault(r=> r.Field<int>("ID") == 5);
(Substitute int
for the type of your ID field)
Hello just create a simple function that looks as shown below.. That returns all rows where the call parameter entered is valid or true.
public DataTable SearchRecords(string Col1, DataTable RecordDT_, int KeyWORD)
TempTable = RecordDT_;
DataView DV = new DataView(TempTable);
DV.RowFilter = string.Format(string.Format("Convert({0},'System.String')",Col1) + " LIKE '{0}'", KeyWORD);
return DV.ToTable();
and simply call it as shown below;
DataTable RowsFound=SearchRecords("IdColumn", OriginalTable,5);
where 5 is the ID. Thanks..
Try avoiding unnecessary loops and go for this if needed.
string SearchByColumn = "ColumnName=" + value;
DataRow[] hasRows = currentDataTable.Select(SearchByColumn);
if (hasRows.Length == 0)
//your logic goes here
//your logic goes here
If you want to search by specific ID then there should be a primary key in a table.
Make a string criteria to search for, like this:
string searchExpression = "ID = 5"
Then use the .Select()
method of the DataTable
object, like this:
DataRow[] foundRows = YourDataTable.Select(searchExpression);
Now you can loop through the results, like this:
int numberOfCalls;
bool result;
foreach(DataRow dr in foundRows)
// Get value of Calls here
result = Int32.TryParse(dr["Calls"], out numberOfCalls);
// Optionally, you can check the result of the attempted try parse here
// and do something if you wish
// Try parse to 32-bit integer worked
// Try parse to 32-bit integer failed
You can try with method select
DataRow[] rows = table.Select("ID = 7");