In earlier versions of MS-DOS - I want to say version 7, but I could be wrong - there was a deltree
command, which recursively deleted all subdirectories and fi
It was replaced with the commands: RMDIR or RD
Delete all subdirectories with /S
Use it quietly with the /Q
RMDIR /S /Q Folder2Delete
RD /S /Q Folder2Delete
Actually RMDIR and RD commands in modern Windows operating system merge both the commands RD and Deltree of Win 98 in a single command. It's an internal command that's why you won't find any RD.exe and RMDIR.exe.
By typing this "RD /?" in cmd without double qoutes you'll get exactly what you want.
Nowadays, you can use Powershell to do the same task:
powershell -Command "Remove-Item 'PathToMyDirectory\*' -Recurse -Force"
to delete a directory and all it's contents recursively