SimpleMembership with custom database schema in ASP.NET MVC 4

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闹比i 2020-12-04 21:50

I want to enable the ASP.NET MVC 4\'s SimpleMembership API to integrate with my own database schema. I have a plain and simple table in my database called Users

  • 2020-12-04 22:22

    You could use both your custom Users table along with the SimpleMembership tables. This method has worked great for me in the past.

    For example, in your Register method in the AccountController, you would register a new user by adding the user to your own Users table. Then add this user to the SimpleMembership UserProfile table using the Id of the user you added to the Users table.

    using (var context = new MyDatabaseEntities())
        User newUser = new User(){
          Name = model.Name,
          Email = model.Email,
          IsDeleted = false
        // Add the user to your custom Users table
        // Add this user to the SimpleMembership table using the same Id as the custom Users table
        WebSecurity.CreateUserAndAccount(newUser.Id.ToString(), model.Password);
        // Log the user in
        WebSecurity.Login(newUser.Id.ToString(), model.Password);
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  • 2020-12-04 22:25

    1 - You need to enable migrations, prefereably with EntityFramework 5. Use Enable-Migrations in the NuGet package manager.

    2 - Move your

    WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection("DefaultConnection", "UserProfile", "UserId", "EmailAddress", autoCreateTables: true); 

    to your Seed method in your YourMvcApp/Migrations/Configuration.cs class

        protected override void Seed(UsersContext context)
                "UserName", autoCreateTables: true);
            if (!Roles.RoleExists("Administrator"))
            if (!WebSecurity.UserExists("lelong37"))
                    new {Mobile = "+19725000000", IsSmsVerified = false});
            if (!Roles.GetRolesForUser("lelong37").Contains("Administrator"))
                Roles.AddUsersToRoles(new[] {"lelong37"}, new[] {"Administrator"});

    Now EF5 will be in charge of creating your UserProfile table, after doing so you will call the WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection to only register SimpleMembershipProvider with the already created UserProfile table, also tellling SimpleMembershipProvider which column is the UserId and UserName. I am also showing an example of how you can add Users, Roles and associating the two in your Seed method with custom UserProfile properties/fields e.g. a user's Mobile (number).

    3 - Now when you run update-database from Package Manager Console, EF5 will provision your table with all your custom properties

    For additional references please refer to this article with sourcecode:

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  • 2020-12-04 22:29

    Customization is possible.

    You can get the source code for SimpleMembershipProvider from the aspnetwebstack project on CodePlex, since this is where the mapping occurs between the DB Schema and the runtime environment you can modify this code to modify/replace schema, statements, etc to match your needs (without much headache, IMO.)

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  • 2020-12-04 22:30

    You can use OAUth with ASP.NET Universal Providers. universal providers are the new version of sqlmembership providers. these are based on EF CodeFirst and also generate a more cleaner schema of your database look at my following post for more details

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  • 2020-12-04 22:36

    You could create your own membership provider by extending the MembershipProvider. See Custom MembershipProvider in .NET 4.0 for more details. Using this approach, you would only need to implement the methods you need. This should help keep things more simple and wouldn't require you to add tables you don't need.

    The basic steps (taken from the linked SO answer) are:

    1. Create a new Class file (if you're not using a multi-layered system, in your project's Models folder) let's call it MyMembershipProvider.cs
    2. Inherit that class from System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider
    3. Automagically create the needed methods (period + space in the inherit class)
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  • 2020-12-04 22:38

    This may not work for your use-case but of course you can very easily add your user attributes to the Simplemembership UserProfile Table instead of creating another User Table

    I would recommend using the existing membership table to keep hashed password, and just ignore the fields that you don't need. That way maintains compatibility with SimpleMembership without much fuss.

    SQLMembership is very easy out of the box. I've done extensive customized extensions to SQLMembership on a couple of projects, which wasn't that difficult - but looking back, I wish I hadn't. It is kind of a maintenance hassle,

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